Chapter 27

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

A soft breeze warmed my cheek, stirring me from sleep.  And as awareness slowly returned I became attuned to a subtle rhythm beneath me. My pillow was breathing.

We're tangled together, limbs intertwined in a cocoon of warmth and intimacy. My head rested against his chest, listening to the steady poetic rhythm of his heartbeat. Chris's arm draped protectively over me, creating a shield of safety and comfort.

I didn't want to move but slowly my eyes fluttered open, and greeting me was the soft glow of morning painting the sky in hues of pale blue.

Today was my birthday and waking up with Chris was... perfect.

Peeking up I blinked my lashes rapidly to clear my eyes and then did what I always do when I thought he wouldn't notice... or when he's asleep. I breathed him in and grinned.

Creepy?  Maybe. But it's not like anybody could see me being weird. 

Biting back a yawn, we'd been awake late into the night, talking.  Yeah, you heard me.  Talking! 

In fact the last two nights Chris had finally started to open up, offering me a glimpse of the parts I knew little of.  But, and this was just a feeling I had—he was sill holding onto a part of himself that he was afraid to share.

It would be fair to say that feeling stemmed from the pictures I'd found in his closet. And I could hardly ask him without it looking like I was snooping through his stuff. 

Maybe he would say something today? 

Wanting to know the time, my chin dipped down, and I turned carefully in his arms, revelling in the heat of him against my back.  Oh, it was later than I thought.  Happy to lie here, neither of us had to get up as Nix stayed over at Riley's last night—her birthday treat, she'd said to me with a not so subtle wink and a nudge.  

Relaxing, I remembered something and grinning like a fool, I lifted my arm to take a closer look.  I was wearing a charm bracelet. Chris had given me my gift just after midnight when the clock ticked over into my birthday. Studying it, it was stunning. A tiny silver dragon charm from Nix dangled and another two charms—one, my birthstone, and the other my initial B, from Chris.

The delicate beauty of the jewellery warmed my insides in a good way. Nobody had ever gotten me something so pretty. I reckoned I would show my gratitude again later. 

I froze as he shifted, smacking his lips in an almost cute child-like way as his top leg hooked over me and pulled me closer and... 

Ooh. Something hard was now digging into me.

Heat instantly pooled low and I grinned and cheekily wiggled back on his morning wood. Since that blowjob on the sofa, my confidence had grown with Chris. He let me explore and pretty much do whatever I wanted.

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