Chapter 37

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

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~ ~ Beth ~ ~

With nothing much to do, I paced up and down, praying it was gonna be alright. 

"Can I get you anything Beth?" asked Riley Jo, who was trying to keep herself busy.

"No. I'm good, thanks."

Her and Adam had driven straight over and fetched Mia and Nix. I was beyond happy to see them all. I just wished it was under different circumstances.

"Cal's back!" said April and I bolted to the window to watch Cal get out of his car and sit his hat on top of his head.

He looked so damn tense and I flew to the door and almost took the damned thing off its hinges opening it.

"Have you found him?"

His face said enough and my heart did a weird shaking thing in my chest.

"Let's go inside, Beth."

I stepped aside and shut the door and followed him through to where all the other anxious faces waited. April moved toward him. "Well?" she asked.

He took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. "We found Chris's car."

"How is he?" "Wait, Just his car?" "What 'about Chris?" We all started throwing questions at him.

Cal held up his hand to quieten us. "Chris wasn't in the car."

April beat us all with the next question. "What do you mean, not in his car? Where did you find his car?"

"Up on the highway, well, not on the highway exactly, down an embankment and collided with a tree."

I gasped and Riley Jo moved to stand next to me taking my hand in hers and squeezing.

"A tree?" April repeated as if she hadn't heard him right.

"We had all that heavy rain, he might have lost control of his car." Riley pitched the idea. "And someone saw it happen and took him to a hospital, right?"

That sounded reasonable.

Cal shook his head. "We already checked."

"If he was suffering from a concussion," jumped in Adam. "He won't be thinking straight." He scrubbed a hand across his jaw, nodding. "We know it happens, people just walk away from accidents. We need to set up search parties."

"It's not gonna help."

"Cal, what ain't you tellin' us sweetheart?" There was a slight wobble in April's voice.

He kept tight-lipped before huffing out and shaking his head. "We don't think it was the storm that caused Chris to crash his car."

"What then?" asked Adam.

"The damage to his car wasn't just from hitting the tree. The back end took a pretty heavy bang too. We think someone forced him off the road."

That didn't make a lick of sense. "Why—who would do something like that?" I asked.

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