Chapter 10

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

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~ ~ Chris ~ ~

I woke up to feel something hot pressing up against me. Not caring, I rubbed my cheek against the cotton wanting to drift off again, until a soft breeze fanned across my neck forcing my eyes open.

My pillow was... breathing.

The room came into focus. It was morning with the early greeting sky swarming the room in light. As I turned my head slowly, I encountered a head of thick curls.

Why was Heather in my bed?

She wasn't there at three am. But at least she was dressed from what I could tell.

Rolling onto my back, I stared aimlessly at the ceiling as yesterday's life-changing event slapped me in the face.

I was a dad.


It didn't seem real. None of it.

... Shit, Nix.

I sat up in a flash, my eyes darting around the room looking for him. Where was he? Fleeting panic grabbed hold of me. It hadn't been twenty-four hours, and I'd lost him.

No. Not lost. He was with Beth.

Rubbing my forehead. It was coming back to me now. Beth had come into my room around three and taken Nix to sleep in her room... At that point, he'd been crying and restless for almost three hours. I tried feeding him. Changing him. Burping him. And I was just about to lose my shit and start sobbing myself when Beth stepped in.

How did parents do this? Be awake half the night and then function during the day?

Speaking of functioning. I had a scheduled coronary angioplasty tomorrow. Correction, later today. I also had other things I needed to do; a paternity test for one. Although something told me he was mine and no matter how he came to be, he was my responsibility.

Raking a hand down my face, murmurs had my head twisting to see Heather's eyelids fluttering.

She had turned up last night, intoxicated, and then passed out on my sofa. I could hardly wake her and ship her off in a cab. That wouldn't be safe. So I'd covered her up and left her there.

This thing with her was growing arms and legs. And I wasn't sure what I wanted to do about that.

Objectively, Heather was a knockout with pretty blue eyes and curves that stopped men on the street. I would guess she could easily be most men's fantasy.

Except mine.

"Morning, Sugar," her voice was low and sleepy. "I hope you don't mind me sneaking into your bed?"

What was that saying? Oh yeah. It's easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. And normally I wouldn't have minded. But having Nix here changed things. I couldn't have women coming and going. What example would that set?

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