in which I attempt to draw

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Actual art?

In the art book?!

Say it isn't so!

Anyway, yeah, I was in the mood to try my hand at publishing art for you guys again. But I'm too garbage at art and shameful to look MS Paint in the eye, so I went back to basics for this one—a good old sketch with Pencil and Paper.

Before you say anything, yes, I know it's trash, but the more I look at it, the more I see wrong with it, and the more I'll want to not publish it, so I figure I might as well get it out now before I chicken out.

So, without further ado, I present to you my humanized take on our favorite murderous, bank-robbing psychopath, Pillow!

So, without further ado, I present to you my humanized take on our favorite murderous, bank-robbing psychopath, Pillow!

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My non-self-drawn human Pillow design below for comparison:

I haven't even finished writing this entry and I already just now realized that I forgot the eyelashes

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I haven't even finished writing this entry and I already just now realized that I forgot the eyelashes. But I know that if I try to fix it, I'll end up erasing way too much and I'll end up screwing up everything. Hell, I nearly accidentally crumpled the paper with my eraser just trying to get the mouth right.

My confidence in posting this chapter is waning by the second, so I'll try to make this as quick as possible. I know I suck at this art thing, but I'm genuinely trying to get better at it so that I don't have to be as reliant on AI stuff. There's so many talented artists here on Wattpad, and Wattpad isn't even primarily an art platform. So, I figured that I could go ahead and approach this art-ing thing the same way that I approached writing: if they can do it, so can I. It's just gonna take a hell lot of work since I've got zero art experience, but as of now, I'm still holding out hope.

I drew this on notebook paper because I already knew the drawing was going to be garbage, so if anything I might at least be able to partially shift maybe a tiny percent of the blame onto the notebook paper. I'll probably switch over to clear copy paper or something once I get more confident in my abilities.

As usual, feedback is highly appreciated. Seriously. I was being serious about the whole "not wanting to rely on AI" thing. If there's anything you think I could work on, please let me know so I can work on it. (As for adding color specifically, though, I'm not sure that's something I can address at the moment.) I would much rather draw my own characters myself than feed them to an AI generator, but at the same time, I don't want to give you guys visual garbage. I'm also very unsure about whether I want to commission anything or not for personal reasons (not the least of which being that I'm broke as hell anyway), so, at least for now, everything's DIY with me.

And I'm not even good at pencil-and-paper art yet. I'm not sure whether I'm anticipating or dreading the day when I finally have to learn how to use Krita or something for digital art.

And the art style that I prefer to draw the most is the anime art style instead of something simpler. Man, this just keeps getting better and better.

Oh, well. Complaining never helped anything.

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