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*Zera's POV*

Walking around U.A., I was trying to find the Principal's office. All Might dropped me off minutes ago and offered to take me to the Principal's office, which I denied and told him that I could handle being on my own. Oh, how I regretted that decision. I should've accepted his offer, but me, being me thought that I could handle it with just directions. Not only that, I'm not that good at reading kanji, hiragana, and katakana. I can speak just fine, but reading has been a bit challenging for me.

Walking around the school, I notice a black-haired man walking ahead of me. He looks like he doesn't have a wink of sleep. Running up to him, I called out to him to get his attention.

"Hey! Excuse me!"

Looking at me, he gave me a tired glare? I could tell he is somewhat pissed when I called him.

"What do you want kid?" he asked. I stopped beside him and it took a moment for me to reply for I was catching my breath. After a few breaths, I then stood up straight and looked at him.

"I'm looking for Principal Nezu's office. I was hoping if you could help me?" I told him.

He sighed and nodded. Walking away, indicating that I follow him. I followed him quietly, I didn't want to be a bother to him, especially when he looked like he didn't get even an ounce of sleep. Walking while still in my thoughts, I didn't him asking me a question.


"Huh...?" I looked at him confused.

"I said, what's your business with the Principal" he said

"Oh...I'm getting tutored, I guess" I said while scratching my neck. After I answered his question, an awkward silence followed us. We were just walking until I noticed him stop in front of a door. I then looked at the door and I could tell that this was the Principal's office.

"This is the office kid"

"Thank you for bringing me here uhm...?"

"Aizawa Shota"

"Thank you for bringing me here Aizawa-san" I bowed and went to the office.

Opening the door of the office, I was met with Principal Nezu drinking tea.

"You're here De Guzman!" the Principal said

"Yes, and I apologize for being late. Also, please call me by my given name, Zera is fine" I said while walking towards the long table where I could see books for sixth grade. I could see English, Japanese, History, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. I noticed Principal Nezu walking towards me and I could tell that there would be no orientation on this first day of school.

"Since there's only two months left in school, I hope you're ready for lessons from the start of the year" He looked at me and laughed maniacally. Hearing his comment, I got scared and somewhat regretted my decision to accept his tutor.

'I'll be alright. I'm not the best student but I'm not the worst either' I thought confidently.

Oh how wrong I was.

The easiest subjects were Math, English, and Science. Which I have been good at since well, since I was still in my world. But Japanese, History, and Social Studies? Hahaha...I can't get a thing. Must be because of the language barrier but I think it is also because I never liked Social Studies or History. I mean, I'm more of a Science and Math person than History and Social Studies. After all the lessons, Principal Nezu let me choose what "extracurricular activity" I wanted to do, which I said Chess for it doesn't involve me being active. In my past life, I was a swimmer. Well, I never competed but I was trained until the advanced level. After that, I stopped attending practice but was still swimming during my free time.

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