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*Zera's POV*

"She is indeed quirkless" the doctor said and proceeded to leave the room. 

"I told you so," I said while eating a pocky All Might bought for me when he arrived. Everyone then looked at me and sweatdropped.

"So you are quirkless huh Ms. De Guzman" said the mouse, who I now know as Mr. Nezu.

"Yep. I have a feeling that this aura of mine is maybe due to me being transported here" I said while taking a last bite of my pocky.

"Now that that's settled. Where would I stay?" I asked them

I then saw All Might, who is in his civillian look, raise his hand.

"If I may, I'm fine with her staying with me. She could be a great company" He said

Everyone then looked at All Might dumbfounded. And the next thing they said made me question if I should really stay with him.

"But you don't know how to take care of a kid. Especially someone who'll be a teenager soon." the old lady, Recovery Girl said.

"He...doesn't know..? That's quite concerning..." I looked at the side.


"Well, after knowing you don't know how to take care of a kid is quite concerning..."

"Now that I think about it, I guess you are right....." 

After our little 'shouting' a nurse went in the room and checked my vitals and proceeded to tell me that I'm good to be discharged.

"I think it's alright that All Might will be the one taking care of Ms. De Guzman" Mr. Nezu smiled.

"Please call me Zera, I'm used to that" 

"Because, if ever something happens with your 'aura' or so, All Might is there strong enough to stop it" he continued.

I see, it's a precaution that if this 'aura' of mine is a danger, the Number 1 hero would stop me. I guess I'm currently a threat considering that I'm from another world with no quirk and such but now has this 'aura'.

"Principal Nezu! She's a kid! She-" All Might said

"No he's right" I intervened

"Mr. Nezu is right to be cautious. I would be as well if I meet someone not from my world who could pose as danger" I then looked at them.

"It's okay though. I completely understand" I smiled at them.

"Are you sure Zera?" asked Tsukauchi

"Mhm, I mean, it is for the country's safety" I looked at him. I completely understand. I mean, I think every living is like that. They are cautious of anything unknown to them.

"I'm glad you understand" Mr Nezu smiled.

"Now then, contact Endeavor, Zera will be put into his custody for this night for All Might needs atleast a day to prepare his home for his guest" Mr. Nezu continued and drank his tea after pouring me some as well.

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