11. My Pleasure 🍋

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11. My Pleasure 🍋

[TW - Self Pleasure]

Your head was violently spinning as you left the lounge area. First the encounter with Satoru and now Suguru. None of it made sense. Satoru never had any interest in you, and Suguru's interest was negative. You thought back to what Satoru said at the lake...

"Your Zenin senses are heightened more when you're in a state of anger, that has allowed you to advance drastically. Suguru and I both knew this," his voice echoed through your head.

Your body began to heat with frustration. Wanting you to improve was one thing, but to emotionally manipulate you into feeling so hated was unforgivable. You decided to take your mind off of things by dedicating the rest of your day to self-care. It was late Thursday afternoon and the constant mission assignments were beginning to wear you down. After showering and changing into a comfortable set of warm pajamas and fuzzy socks, you sat on your couch. It had felt like forever since you had felt cozy and relaxed like this. To continue your easy night, you decided to order takeout as well.

Nanami (iMessage)

Hey, I'm ordering takeout tonight. Want to join?

Can't tonight. Sorry.

You frowned at his response, fingers hovering over the keyboard trying to figure out what to say.

'I hope he's not upset about the Gojo thing from earlier.'


No worries! I'll see you tomorrow.

We'll decide our lunch choice then :)

Ok. Gn Ms.Y/N-chan

'Damn. He was definitely feeling some type of way.' you thought to yourself. Instead of worrying about it, you decided to put it off until tomorrow. You'd make it up to him somehow... perhaps buy his lunch.

As you begin to aimlessly flip through TV channels, your phone lit up. A message from Maki?

'Weird. Nobody from school texts me.'

Maki (iMessage)

Hey, we're going out for Itadori's bday tomorrow. You should come.

Oh nice. Where to?

Some bar he chose, idk. Come so
me and Nobara aren't bored. It's at 8 p.m.

Lol ok. Just send me the address.

You always kept it short with the people at Jujutsu Tech. Showing your personality was not something you had an interest in doing. That's where you and Nanami were similar. These people here were not your little friends. Tomorrow was like a happy hour to you, plus you wanted to see what Itadori was truly like. Nanami was right about his cursed energy, the spiky black-haired boy seemed special too. Gojo wouldn't prize them around for nothing. Nonetheless, you couldn't help but be suspicious about Sukuna's vessel, everyone knew it was dangerous.

Before heading to bed, you scanned your closet to find something to wear. Honestly, you weren't like these other bitches. Despite wearing a uniform all the time, your sense of fashion was not lost. Dark femininity was your aesthetic - always. As you rummaged through your clothes, you came across a burgundy cropped corset. It was perfect. You matched it with a black mini skirt that had a slit and your black thigh-high boots. Planning outfits was something that truly brought you joy.

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