02. Preparation

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2. Preparation

The special grade test comprised of 3 stages.

Stage 1 was to test physical strength and agility.

Stage 2 was a mental test that involved strategy.

And the final stage was to fight either a special grade curse or in her case, Satoru Gojo.

Your mind was racing as you sped toward your dorm. You were going to have to skip training today, you couldn't afford to interact with anyone until tomorrow for the sake of saving cursed energy. Packing 7 days of preparation into less than 24 hours to fight the strongest jujutsu sorcerer in the world...

"This is fucking insanity..." you muttered rounding the corner to your dorm.

"What's insanity?" a voice asked, emerging from the shadows behind you.

The same slithering feeling came over you as it did when yelling at Gojo. You look over your shoulder to see dark raven eyes staring at you questionably. You feel your face immediately warm with anger all over again. 

"Nothing. Stay out of my fucking business," you said shortly. You began to reach for your keys and once they were in your hand, a raven-shaped curse came and snatched them from you.

"Oh, but I'm curious Y/N..." Geto cooed, as the raven curse dropped your keys into his hand. "I haven't seen you look this flustered before," he said cocking his head as he walked toward her.

"Give me back my keys, or I'll rip your head off," you spat. It was a lie. You couldn't use any cursed energy before your big day tomorrow. And Geto knew it was a lie too.

"Awww don't be like that," he cooed again, dangling the keys above his head. "A little birdy told me you're fighting the Great Almighty, yeah?"

You began to walk toward Suguru and he did the same. They fought all the time. Not only verbally, but physically too. He was her favorite person to fight because he knew she fucking hated him. And he hated her all the same since the very first day she arrived.

Despite being two years ahead of her, he had always picked on Y/N. And as soon as he started doing that, Satoru began singling her out in class too.

But Suguru... was her natural-born enemy.

He stopped right in front of you. At this point, he was inches away from your face, staring deeply into your soul with those dark eyes, his typical strand of black hair dangling down. He dangled the keys above your head, taunting you.

"Answer my question Y/N-"

*SMACK*      You didn't have time for this shit.

He dropped the keys and used his hand to rub his now-strawberried cheek. As you quickly squatted down to scoop your keys, Geto pressed his foot onto your shoulder with just enough force to knock you onto the ground.

"Fuck you Suguru" you hissed from below him.

"Oh baby girl you fucking wish," he snarled through his teeth. "Now tell me..." he demanded now straddling her while she was still down. "Are you fighting Satoru?"

"Yes, and I'm gonna kill him and you," you said cooly. You began to get up, not wanting him hovering over you for long. Trying to rise, propping one knee to leverage yourself, Geto swiftly moved behind you. He grabs your h/c hair, wrapping his hand in your ponytail like a lasso and yanking it back. He was fast. Too fast. You couldn't afford to expend a drop of cursed energy at the moment as he forced your chin to jolt upward to look at him again.

"Good luck with that" he whispered, Y/N could feel his warm breath on her ear, giving her uncanny goosebumps. Suguru let go of her hair and placed his foot on her back and kicked her down once more. 

Not hard enough to hurt Y/N, but hard enough to make a point.


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