Chapter 26

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The Way You Lie

Hermione was beyond shocked. She was numb.

Lucius Malfoy cursed someone, and it was possible he murdered that same wizard when he started to recover. That would have threatened to expose the Malfoy family in allegiance to the Dark Lord. It was the world's worst kept secret. Everyone knew of their loyalties.

Harry had a dream that revealed as much. He was so spooked that he told Hermione despite their differences that took place over the year. They were all in a scary situation together. Bound tight. He had to tell someone. Even if it was her...

That night in Gryffindor Tower, Harry, Ron and Hermione huddled together in a hug for what felt like hours. Not one word was said. Just the heat of their shared breaths as the fear of what they faced showed it's ugly head once more.

The world outside Hogwarts was in ruin. The castle repelled the nastiness, but all at once, when they were released back to their lives, the horror would find them all once more.

"You've got to fight harder, Harry. If you can see these dreams, the link is functioning. Voldemort can use it back."

"I don't try to see inside. It just happens."

"The Order's protection rests with you. All our safety. Mine and Ron's. Sirius, Lupin. All the Weasleys. It all rests with you."

"Not entirely," he said bitterly. "You've got Malfoy to protect you."

Yes. That was true. He would protect her if it meant cursing the world to darkness.

"Don't be daft, mate. Malfoy hasn't had a piece of spine the whole time we've known him. Doubt he'd do much of anything for Hermione."

Both their eyes, her two best friends, shined with expectation. They awaited her confirmation. Her word, a gospel between them. The encouraging blue of Ron's gaze to the piercing want in Harry's green, she was left with little option.

"Malfoy would sooner protect his robes than me," she said. "Against Voldemort? His hair would even curl and run away."

It brought a light splash of humor. The boys chuckled to themselves, wry smiles and gentle nods of agreement.

The idea of Draco Malfoy being cowardly was not hard to believe.

Hermione betrayed her own belief to say it, and it physically hurt to keep her evidence to the contrary to herself, but she managed to lift her friend's spirits enough that he agreed to apply himself in his private lessons. The stab at his pride to have to continue through his 'remedial potions' class did not rest lightly with Harry. She knew. He hated feeling so powerless against the threat that his own mind was.

They all hated it. Their power, gone from their grasp.

The sofa in front of Gryffindor Tower's fireplace welcomed the three friends back to its realm. Hermione took place in the center of the two wizards. Each held her hand as they watched the flames chew through the logs until nothing, but ash was left.

The common room turned cold with the fire gone. Goosebumps broke out all over her exposed arms. She withheld her shivers from trembling in her seat. She might wake Ron. His face was smashed against her shoulder. The sounds out of his mouth were that of a dragon, loud and deadly. He was more fearsome asleep than he was awake.

Sleep alluded her. She was alive with the thoughts of murder. Draco's father murdered a person with ease. It was not a leap to believe he could kill her if he wished to. And Lucius most certainly wished to.

A muggleborn tainted the Malfoy line. It compromised their safety, the honor of an ancient lineage, the integrity of their sole heir.

It was not beyond the work of a Slytherin Death Eater to kill her to ensure that doubt was not cast upon his life and that of his heir. Draco's continuation was the utmost importance. He carried on their line, their legacy, the only thing that mattered to a wizard family like the Malfoys.

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