Chapter 19

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The return to the platform was a thrilling experience. The onslaught of emotions of the holiday break gave a startling need to return to normalcy. There was hardly time to touch a book at Grimmauld Place, much less review upcoming lessons for next term.

Hermione's parents walked with her through the portal at King's Cross Station down to the Hogwarts Platform. Students of every house and year were scattered about the entire place with no sense of order. Cages of beloved pets sat on the floor, narrowly missed by trunk trolleys or kicked over by feet.

The loud atmosphere was different than the quiet lull of her holiday. She was not accustomed to such volume. She winced as she passed a rambunctious group of second year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors. The joy on their faces did little to cool the hot tension rising in her belly.

Not one letter was received from Draco all holiday. She wrote him every day, just as he asked. Concern of his safety left her on edge. It was possible the repercussions for his behavior earned him a punishment. The mystery lied upon the shoulders of Lucius. What would he do to his own son?

Hermione Granger looked over her shoulder to ensure her parents still trailed behind. They wore the faces and bodies of people similar to her, rather than the blonde lavish models they were at the start of break. They were happy, as always, to be there. Her parents loved the wizarding world. It pained her so much how little they were able to be part of it.

Her mum caught her eye and looped her arm around her neck and pulled her in close. "There are plenty Christmas' to go skiing." It was a voice that Hermione was not used to, but the comforting touch was the same. It was mum. "I'm just glad you could be there for your friend when he needed you. That's what makes you such a wonderful daughter."

"We're proud of you, sugarplum."

An instant blush took over her face. "Dad."

"I know, I know. You're grown now."

"But you'll always be our sweet little sugarplum." Her mum planted a soft kiss against her forehead.

"Must you insist on saying that name in public?" She tried to overcome her parent's obvious love of mortifying their daughter like she was not sixteen years old. Her love of them was endless. They were the two people who loved her without question or care what she was, but they were still her parents. They loved to make her blush.

Her dad pushed the trolley close to the first car right behind the red engine. There was an opened cupboard where other trunks were stuffed. The attendant grabbed the trunk off her trolley. Her pet crate where Drogon rested was tucked safely beside the trunk.

The attendant checked the latch on the crate. When met with her curious gaze, he offered an explanation.

"Somebody's cat got out and wreaked havoc on the carriage. Hoses of the engine were chewed. There a hole in the compartment with the trunks. Whatever it was chewed through it all," the attendant said. "We've searched the entire train. There is no threat to anyone's belongings. Your things will be safe. We just are ensuring all animals are secured."

Her eyes glanced at Drogon. He was curled up tightly, happy with his half crescent closed eyes. The thing looked so satisfied with himself. She, on the other hand, was horrified at his behavior. There was no doubt he was the animal in question that destroyed the train.

Godric, he was so much like Draco. No wonder her roommates thought it was him.

Hermione thanked the attendant for his dedication to their safety.

Her parents followed her across the platform. She scanned the crowd. A large group of red heads were in the crowd moving fast. It was the Weasley family. They were running late. Mrs. Weasley split up their goodie bags between her four children and Harry before she sent them on their way to deposit their school trunks.

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