Chapter 13

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The False King

After the DA meeting, Hermione found Drogon waiting for her outside the Room of Requirement. His chest was puffed, shoulders broadly displayed. He didn't move a muscle as witches and wizards surged out the opening. The creature stayed as feet fell on either side on him but never bruised his body.

Ron spied him as him and Hermione lingered behind the group. He wiggled his finger at the cat, and after a welcoming blink, scratched Drogon behind his ears. "Who's a good boy, eh?"

Harry had detention. He rushed past them with a quick goodbye. Hermione waved after him.

Drogon pawed at Ron's hand when he tried to stop petting him. The red headed wizard chuckled. "Oi. Don't scratch me you bugger. I'll give you a pet."

He picked up the small cat, cradled him in his arms and joined Hermione by the wall. They leaned against it, facing each other as they both spoiled her cat endlessly, which explained his growing confidence and attitude. And Drogon loved the attention. He typically did not like being babied. Ron was the only one he let do it.

Hermione dug out one of the cat treats and offered it to her familiar. He snacked at it quietly. His soft hum as his teeth pierced the little soft treat was the only sound within the now abandoned corridor.

Her friend stayed notably quiet during the exchange, a non-Ron quality. She beheld him with pity. There were few things that made Ronald thoughtful. None were positive.

"Are you still nervous?" She asked with a sad curl of her lip.

"Blimey am I," he answered. "Harry says it's fine. I've got what it takes, but I don't believe him. I think he's just sayin' it so I don't feel bad."

Hermione considered it a moment. "He might be. But that doesn't make it not true. You made the team. Clearly, you have what it takes."

"I don't know, Mione."

"Well I do," she said firmly. "You're a Gryffindor Keeper. The Gryffindor Keeper. That's a noble position. You're going to protect us. Isn't that what you're good at? You protect Harry."

"That's different. He's a person. Not a bloody hoop with dozens of wizards trying to get to."

"I don't see much of a difference."

They fell back into a quiet lull as their attentions fixed back on Drogon. They hated to argue with the other. Hermione knew that Ron was important for Harry. Harry did a fair share of arguing these days that it was enough for the pair of them. They were the ones who had his back when he turned it on them.

Seemingly those days of his angry withdrawal were behind him. The DA made him more like she remembered of years past when it was fun to be his best friend, and not difficult. He was too moody to trust. One thing might send him back to his grief. It would take another miracle to save him from himself.

She sighed, sad with thoughts about her best friend. He almost sensed her thoughts.

"He wanted me to talk to you, you know," Ron said. "See if he'd done something to make you want to be friends with Malfoy."

Again. The wizards always focused on each other.

"No. He's not done anything."

Her hand rested against Ron's chest so that she could give Drogon his favorite kind of scratch on the neck. The back of her hand felt his pulse beat steady through his woven jumper.

"Have I done something then?" He asked.

"It's not got to do with either of you," she answered. "It's got to do with me."

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