Chapter 3

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There Hermione stood between Ronald and Draco Malfoy, a decision to make.

She glanced back at Malfoy with question. Could she really stand him enough for Harry? One fight with Malfoy would leave Harry at the possibility with expulsion with Umbridge on staff. It would be the last thing he needed. Voldemort was back. The world depended upon Harry Potter.

Hermione sighed. "Come, Ronald."

They started to walk away. It made Ron jumpy. Every few minutes he glanced back over his shoulder in anticipation for a hex from the end of Malfoy's dark Hawthorn wand.

"Are you alright?" He asked. "What are you doin' with Malfoy? You know the prat hasn't got an honest bone in him."

"I'm fine, Ron. Honestly. It was nothing. He just likes to fight with you and Harry, you know. How many times have I told you that he just wants to get you in trouble?" She grumbled. "He's normal enough without you two around."

It was the best she could manage. Under the circumstances.

There was a thought that kept her mind preoccupied. How had he known who her friends were? If they weren't complete bullies, she would have no idea who he associated with. She ignored him.

Unlike some. Girls in the castle acted as if they disliked him but got excited when he paid a bit of attention to them. She imagined him a tramp. With how many girls crushed on the wizard, he could have most the castle under his belt.

Strike that. He did.

What other explanation could there be for the kid glove treatment he got when he incited duels? Harry was the Chosen One. He was a good student, a little misguided which was not her fault since he never listened to her any way, but he was not nasty. Draco was awful. Detention often fell on Harry's lap, not Draco's.

"Just forget it." She didn't have the time to expand on her lie yet. That required a bit more time. "You should be with Harry."

"I don't know, Mione. He doesn't seem like he wants company."

"He doesn't. But he needs it," she said. "Stay close. He'll need you to watch out for him."

Ron snorted. "This is Harry. He knows how to take care of himself."

"Don't tell me he seems fine to you." She groaned in irritation. "You saw him over holiday. He was suffering. Cedric's death. Voldemort back. Dumbledore. He's got all that on his mind. And I can't be with him all year. You have to."

They agreed that Ronald should be the one to focus on Harry. Their entire dorm, except Neville, didn't believe him. The Prophet did well in discrediting any thing he said. Seamus' parents didn't want him to return to Hogwarts.

Times were chaos.

Umbridge's presence in Hogwarts said enough. The government wished to cover up the horror that sat on the horizon like a sweeping cloud with the promises of continual sunshine. Fudge, the minister of magic, was scared. The sweeping cloud of dark magic was difficult to rid the world of. Last time it came, it almost never left.

Classes started the next week which helped keep Hermione's attention distracted. Until came Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Umbridge did not like her. There were many times she tried to confuse Hermione in class (unsuccessfully). Finally, she just started to straight up ignore her raised hands or explanations.

That class caught Draco's attention, too. He forbade her from challenging the professor.

It was later that day when she laid on the shore of the Black Lake, studying her notes, when Draco helped himself to her company. She got used to Crabbe and Goyle being her shadow. They went every where she went. Draco came and went to his own schedule.

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