Chapter 6

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"Animals?" She questioned in disbelief.

All around them were animals in enchanted cages. One entire wall was compromised of cats. They swatted at charmed toy mice. Some laid under a light in peaceful slumber.

There were owls that hooted for attention so loudly she wished she'd brought treats.

A few toads croaked and hopped over slippery rocks in their enclosure and rats raced through the whole room in their colored tubes that interlaced the other animal cages except one that was below their feet.

She yelped in surprise.

Draco snickered. "Don't tell me the mighty lion is scared of a few snakes."

"I'm not," she gasped. "Just don't care to have the floor fall out from under me."

The floor stared into the den where snakes of all colors entwined together. Rusty orange, neon green and fire red all muddled for warmth under a pale light. There were small rivers that cut through the entire floor where some snakes slithered to and fro. Another den rested at the end of the room.

It gave her the creeps to step over such treachery. She avoided the snakes as best she could.

"What are we here for, Draco?" She asked, hugging her arms around herself.

"I find the answer quite obvious," he stated.

She sighed. "An animal, clearly. I just don't understand why I'm here."

"You go where I go, as per the agreement."

"I didn't agree to be a part of the black market. This place is illegal. If the Ministry even finds out we're here..."

Sweat started to pour from her now. The Ministry would oblivivate her if she got into trouble. A muggleborn only had so many chances in the world. One mistake could send her back without memory of her friends, the wizarding world, all she'd learned.

"Relax, pet. We won't be caught," he said.

"That means nothing to me! You've had it out for me for years. You would have thrown me into the Chamber of Secrets if you could have and now, I'm supposed to just trust your word like we aren't mortal enemies?"


At least he didn't deny the truth. That would have panicked her more.

"Why?" She breathed. "Why can I trust you now?"

He stood, hand in pocket, not bothered. His eyes remained on her as they had since entering the room. Collected. Cool. There was not an ounce of interest in the animals around him.

Draco stepped closer. The tips of his shoes touched hers. Those gray eyes a focus in her mind.

"Because, Granger." His voice entered as a soft murmur. It was light and airy. For a moment she felt warmed by the gentle caress of them. "I do not want that anymore."

The man, Lafont, entered the room, face shadowed by the overhang of his hood. Draco stepped away. His attention returned to Lafont whom stood in front of the cat cages, wand lifting the spell over their little eyes so that they now took notice of the wizards in their midst.

A chorus of meowing started. Paws swatted outside the bars toward Hermione.

"Smartest batch I've had. All of them are able to pick the locks if left like this." He gestured to the rather Muggle looking locks at the cage doors. "These things will do the job nicely."

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