Chapter 24

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The Change

Hermione descended the Gryffindor Tower stairs at her usual time. It was not typical for the lions to stir in that early morning light. The common room, instead of being deader than night, was occupied by one red-headed witch. Her ankles were crossed together.

She wore a woven orange jumper with a flash of a pink collar of a shirt underneath accompanied by worn and torn jeans. Her trainers were small and black with thick white laces.

It was easy to appraise the witches now that she was no longer innocent. Time with Draco, and the happenings between them, erupted a newfound examination of those around her, of all genders. Her eyes noticed subtle things. Attractive and unsightly.

Ginny was a gorgeous witch. She was warm and outgoing. There was little fear to be found within her, a confidence that exuded so much more than beauty. It was easy to understand how wizards gravitated towards her.

The previous night had opened Hermione's eyes to the art of it all. She seriously inspected herself before she emerged from her dormitory. She wore a white shirt with her black, dragon jumper over top. Her hair was charmed to remain in place: a relaxed knot at the crown of her head. Moon necklace was shiny at her throat. A subtle, oh so slight use of red lip gloss added a pop to her features without seeming so drastic. Her eyelashes were charmed thick and dark, as it was better to flutter her lashes when there was something there.

She allowed herself a quiet moment to ready herself. A wall of secrecy built up thicker around her. Had anyone known what happened, especially a Gryffindor, things might not be so calm within the house.

Times were uneasy. So many whispers and deceit lurked through the air. It hurt to believe she'd become apart of them. Hidden truths. It burned her heart to hold them away from the ones she loved the most.

"Ginny?" Hermione asked.

"There you are!" The witch rushed off the couch. Her hair was in a relaxed side pony at her shoulder. She flung it back over. "You weren't at supper. Where did you go last night?"

She opened her mouth to explain, but two hands thrust forward at her neck. They gripped the metal charm against her throat.

"What is this?" Ginny squealed.

Her eyes were wide as she absorbed every nook and cranny. Their shimmering blue were so vibrant. It felt a bit special to tell her the truth.

"Draco's gift."

"Godric. That's beautiful. Are those real diamonds? They've got to be."

Hermione pulled away from the prying hands. She waved them dismissively.

"Don't be ridiculous, Gin. It was just a simple gift. Nothing of luxury."

"Malfoy only knows luxury."

They climbed through the portrait hole. There were only a few shuffles of footsteps as they entered the Grand Staircase. A warm spill of morning light filled the room with a blooming happiness to Hermione's chest. Down below, however, her stomach grumbled in utter need for food. She'd missed food the night before.

Of course, lower still, within her knickers, was the difference in her walk. She felt a space inside her now, one that hadn't ever felt empty, but was now in need of completion. Her lust did anything but fade after her shag with Draco. It was only quenched by the slightest taste of pleasure. There was more. Much more she yearned.

The young witch to her side relayed the happenings of Quidditch practice to a daydreaming Hermione. She spoke of their lack of a plan in the air. They were in great need of practice if they had any kind of chance.

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