I had woke up and went down to the watering hole that had been made somehow. Astro had been with me the whole time, I think it's been about two weeks since the rest of my group got off the island. I mean I haven't seen anyone so I just started thinking I was the only one.

I was walking with Astro to the watering hole, when we got there I walked up beside one of raptor and bent down and drunk some water. After I got done doing that I walked back to my small camp I set up in the trees. I had a few pillows and blankets I found and some socks.

I look at the map and pinned on the map where I needed to go to look for stuff. I had already been to the apartments, the camp, the lab, the lagoon, and a few other places. But the one place I haven't went was the cliffs, toro had near that area so I've been trying to avoid that, and the T. rex was staying in main park.

I quickly grabbed the map and quickly walked over to Astro and patted him on his back and started walking, we walked slowly because I've been almost everywhere in the island. I mean I'm by self so it getting boring sometimes.

I finally made it on a main road and followed it down toward the cliffs. I cut off from the roads and got onto Astros back and started guiding him toward the cliffs.

As we got close I heard toro roar loudly but I heard an ankylosaurus roar also. I quickly got off of the Astro and made him stop and then I heard a loud roar and another ankylosaurus roar and then I heard the club of the ankylosauruses tail hitting the ground.

I quickly took off running and ended up right where the two was fighting. I quickly realized that it was bumpy, the two bumps on her head. Astro quickly ran over and started slamming his club on the ground.

I knew I wouldn't have been able to help bumpy so I stood there watching the two. But then I toro turn and go after something else. But I didn't see another dinosaur or even see one.

I quickly ran to the side and saw Ben. I covered my mouth and ran over to Astro and grabbed the makeshift spear and ran over to Ben.

" y/n!". Ben screamed as he saw me and I nodded and said " hey Ben. Long story".

Me and him both started trying to stab at toro but just then toro grabbed the spear out of my hand and threw it. I quickly took off run toward the spear with Ben beside me, I grabbed the spear and stood my ground until toro ran straight at me and I grabbed Ben and I threw us both under toro which made him crash into a tree.

Me and Ben started running but toro quickly caught up to us, just then toro snapped down at Ben and I quickly pulled him down and then pulled him back up so he wouldn't get eaten.

Toro then started snapping as us again but this time Ben tripped and fell which made me fall over top of him which made us gasp as we watched toro start to snap at us.

Me and Ben then started scooting back away from toro each time he tried to eat us. Just then Ben jumped up on top of toro which distracted toro away from me and i quickly ran over my spear and grabbed and turned around to see Ben getting thrown and then grabbed his spear and rolling and actually cutting toro in the face.

I could see Ben holding his arm, so I knew he was hurt. Just then I yelled " Heyyyy!!! TOROOO! COME AND GET ME".

Toro turned to me and I screamed loudly and I heard a grunt and saw Astro and bumpy hit toro throwing him a few feet.

I ran over to Ben and asked " are you okay?". He turned to me and nodded yes before saying " why'd you do that, you could have gotten hurt".
" cause I wasn't going to let you die" I said before I turned to bumpy and asked " bumpy? Is that you?".

Just then toro started getting up and Astro and bumpy started beating their tails on the ground warning toro. Toro growled and snapped at Astro who hit toro in the face with his tail and bumpy followed toro and hit toro in the face.

Me and Ben ran over to them and got beside them and when they started running I hear Ben start yelling so I joined him and started running also. Me and Ben swung our spears and toro started backing up, just then I saw toro slip and fall off the cliff.

I watched him land on his back and let out a whimper roar and I couldn't help but feel sorry as I watched him roll around in pain.

Just as toro went quiet I hear Ben say " oh, bumpy!". I looked over to see Ben hugging bumpy.
" why are you so happy, hasn't she been with you?". I asked and he shook his head no and I made an o with my mouth.

Bumpy groaned and lifted Ben up and then placing him back on the ground as he laughed. I felt a small nudge on my side and I turned to see Astro looking at me and I placed the spear down and hugged Astro tight and said " good boy".

He then lifted me to his back and I crawled onto him and he bent down and grabbed my spear with his mouth and threw it up slightly I caught it and placed it back onto the small strap I had.

" so do you have a place or something where you've been staying, cause you could come with me. If you want". I said as I stared at Ben and he looked up at me and nodded yes and said " I'll go with you".

I smiled and said " come then, it's going to be dark soon. If we leave now we might be able to make it".

Ben quickly climbed onto bumpy's back and I said " Astro, take us home buddy". Astro then started walking quickly and I turned to Ben and said " you look different. Good different, I like it".

He blushed before saying " you look good too". I smiled before turning around on Astros back and staring up at the sky watched the clouds. I felt tired so I decided to take a small nap.

______________after the nap_____________

I felt Astro shake and I shot up quick and saw that we were on the small path I made to the net and watering hole. Ben was asleep on bumpy as she followed Astro, it was dark and Ben looked so handsome in the night as the lighting bugs shined all around us. I quickly turned my head as Ben murmur something and then I heard him groan and I looked over at him and saw him sitting up.

" sleep good?". I asked Ben and he hummed a yes and asked " did you?". I hummed a yes and then said " it look so pretty right now". Ben then looked around and said " it's beautiful".

I smiled at him as I saw the small fairy lights i use to see going up the tree. " we're here". I said and Ben and I jumped off of Astro and bumpy and then let out a uhhh sound then he said " there's nothing here".

" look up". I said and he looked up and saw the net and the blankets and stuff.
" oh my god, how'd you find all this stuff?". Ben asked and then said " I guess when your alone and quiet your able to find a lot. I even found a camera".

Me and Ben then started climbing up the tree until we reached the top and he then looked around and said " boy I'm tired". Me and him both took our shoes off and I handed him a blanket and then I crawled over to the side I sleep on and laid down and Ben followed after and laid on the other side

"Goodnight, y/n". I heard Ben say and then I let a small "goodnight, Ben".


WORD: 1413

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