We had just left camp and was walking to south of the island. We were pushing through the grass. Ben just kept put on more and more sanitizer. I was in the back behind Ben when he stepped on a twig making a loud crack and everyone turned around and screamed and got down. I just stood there looking at them.

" sorry, I stepped on a twig". Ben said Brooklynn stood up and said " ugh, come on, man". Then Sammy said " you done gave me a heart attack".
" it's okay, Ben. We're all on edge. And lost". I said and Sammy then said " yeah, we've been out here for a while now. Darius, we sure were still headed toward the park?".

" well, we'd be sure if I still had my phone, because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also a phone!". Brooklynn said to Sammy and then yaz said " Sammy didn't steal your phone! No one stole your phone! Can we please stop talking about the phone".

" you guys! You guys, you guys. Could you all yell at each other quieter, please?". Ben said in a whisper and then jenji decided to yell " my fellow campers, chill! What we need here is someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. Since I'm obviously leadership material.. I'll do this. And my first decree as leader is for everyone to stop talking and just listen to Darius. Darius you got us out of camp alive. Plus, I can blame you if anybody gets eaten. Leadership. So, which way Darius?".

" please, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr. VIP". Brooklynn said and then Darius yelled " I know where we are. We're by the Carnosaurus paddock! I thought this place looked familiar".

Darius then took off running and we all followed behind him and realized he was right.
" I remember the fence". Darius said as we pushed through the tall grass to get see a broken, ripped down fence.
" oh my lord". I said and then Ben started to pant and then he said " that means.... That mean toro is out here... with us".
" now we have to deal with the indominus and toro. Hold up. How do you know about toro?". Darius ask and then I said " we all know. Jenji told us, like the day after it happened".

" in my defense, me saving you was super cool". Jenji said and then Darius continued talking " we know this enclosure is due north of the main park. So, if we keep going that way we'll hit the visitors' center. We're sure to find Dave and Roxie, or someone else there in charge".
" yes! Exactly what I was thinking, as leader, which I am, follow me!". Jenji said and started walking and we all followed him.

We pushed past a leaf I saw a dinosaur laying on the ground and a gyro right beside it. I slowly walked up to it and tried to see if there was a sign that it was alive but none.

" predators don't kill prey and then just leave without feeding". I said to them and Darius came over and said " this.. this isn't right".
Just then we heard a low groan and we all gasped and started to back up slowly. Everyone hid, Darius and Ben was hiding in the gyro, Sammy and yaz was hiding behind the gyro, Brooklynn, me and Kenji was hunting behind the dead dinosaur.

We all watched as a small dinosaur came out and I noticed the bumps on its head and realized that it was bumpy.
" guys it's bumpy". I said and walked over to bumpy and rubbed her head.
" oh bumpy". Ben said and ran over to us and hug her.
"And drooly, and smelly. How do you even know that's the same dinosaur?". Jenji said and then Ben said " her big head bump. Dr. Wu said she asymmetrical but he's wrong that it's bad. And so what if she is asymmetrical? There's nothing wrong with being different, or bumpy, or getting tired of after reading an overly thrilling book! And maybe if her parents had listened to her she wouldn't have come here and gotten attacked!".

" are we still talking about the Dinosaur. Fells like we're not still talking about the dinosaurs". Yaz whispered to Sammy and then jenji said " as fun as this reunion is, shouldn't we keep moving south?".

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