I woke up to a knock on my door, I groaned and rolled over and looked at my clock and as that it was 10 am. I quick got up and opened my door to see a boy my age standing there.
" Roxie told me to come up here and wake you up". The boy as you could tell he was shy.
" mhm ok, name?". I asked as I walked to my closet and grabbed clothes out and threw them on my bed and then he said " Ben, I'm Ben. Your y/n".

I nodded yes and said " nice to met you Ben, but if you don't mind in going to get changed now". Ben cheeks got a little pink before walking away. I closed my door and got dressed quickly and walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth then walked down stairs while I saw another girl i don't know.

I walked over to Roxie and asked " who's that girl?". I pointed at the girl and Roxie then said " that's yaz".
I nodded before I walked over to the kitchen and got some water and drank it while Roxie talked.

" today we going somewhere but I won't be telling you guys where. Now come on". Roxie said and everyone followed her into the elevator and we made it down and then got into the truck and I sat beside yaz and Ben.

Just then the truck came to a stop before Roxie basically pulled Darius and Jenji out of the truck and said " enjoy cleaning this up, boys".

"We're going to the genetics lab". Roxie continued and we all followed her to the truck and got back in.
" cologne. That'll help with the smell. And the ladies. What-what? But mostly the smell. The stench of dinosaur poo can really linger". Dave said before getting in the truck and we drove off.

Just then I saw Ben covering himself in hand sanitizer. I looked over to brooklynn as I heard her say something but I didn't hear her.
" so what's your next video? Ooh, maybe there's baby Dino eggs in the lab. Everyone loves a baby video". Sammy said I knew there was but I did wanna ruin the surprise for them so I didn't say anything.

" whatever it is, it'll be cool". Brooklynn said and just then I heard Ben start humming so I looked over at him and Ben looked over and I looked over to see yaz also staring at him.

I looked back at Ben and then he said " sanitizer. Who knows what kind of creepy Dino goo is at that lab? Gotta be ready for anything. The world is a grab-bag of gross, and we're all just along for the moist, sticky roller coaster ride called life".

" give me that". I said and i quickly grabbed the sanitizer and started running it all over me and yaz joined me and did the same.

We finally got to the lab and we walked in and then I heard Brooklynn say " what's good, brooklanders? Today, I'm coming to you from one of Jurassic worlds coolest remote genetic labs!".

As we entered I walked far behind the group cause I've seen this lab about 20 times and there's nothing really special now. Everyone was wondering around while just stood over at the egg incubator. I watched as the small crane picked the eggs up and moved them over.
Just then I felt a small tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Ben. As I looked as his face I could help think he was kinda cute. I quickly shook the thought away before saying "hi Ben".

"Hi y/n, what are you looking at?". Ben asked as I stepped to the side to let Ben see and I said " the eggs in the incubator, the crane picks them up and moves them to different stops every 30 minutes to an hour to ensure that the embryo gets enough albumen. They take up to 13 weeks to catch, and when they do there really small. And if your lucky you'll be able to name one, I have this ankylosaurs, I named him Astro cause when he catched he ran right into an egg and cracked it. Maybe I'll be able to show you him".

Ben stared at me while I talked but I got nervous because he was just letting me talk and I was babbling on. I looked back as me and Ben stared at the eggs. Just then I saw one of the eggs start to shake.

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