i grabbed my head as I hit it on the dashboard when I flipped. I groaned as I felt a headache coming on, " ow". I said Kenji touched my head and asked " you good?".
" yea". I said and looked around and asked " is everyone okay?".
" is everyone..?". Yaz said before chuckling and getting out the van, I slide out and Sammy got out and went after yaz.
" wait! Yasmina!". Sammy said and I walked to the back of the van and bumpy jumped out and got stuck on her back. Me and Ben flipped her over and I started checking if everyone was okay.
" we're not okay. We're in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there. And you.. you". Yaz said to Sammy and I just felt the anger rising up in me.

" You destroyed our only way to get help, and then lied about it, Sammy! Brooklynn tried to tell us, but we would listen! I can't believe we were so stupid". I said as I whispered the last sentence.
" I told you guys!". Brooklynn said and then Darius said " so, you did take Brooklynn's phone? Why? What were you doing?".
" probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the sinoceratops. And you knew about the indominus Rex because you were snooping around Dr.Wu's office when I ran into you. I knew it!". Brooklynn said as we walked closer to Sammy.
" I didn't mean to destroy the phone. I fell on it when the zip line came down and-" Sammy said but Ben cut her off by saying " but you did steal it? You had it the whole time and didn't tell us?".

" wait Brooklynn, what were you doing in Dr.Wu's office?". I ask Brooklynn and she just responded with " I.. it doesn't matter. I didn't break our only way to call for help and then lie about it! This is not my fault! This is her fault! She-".
" I'm here to spy! For a company called Mantah corp". Sammy said

" mantah corp. they're a bioengineering company, big rivals with masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs, too, but Wu beat them to it. They have tried to send spies before but never kids". I said and then Ben yelled " you doomed us all for some lousy company?".

" our ranch was in-trouble, so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people. We didn't know they were fronting for mantah corp. they said we'd lose everything unless I spied for them. Use the behind-the-scenes access if get at camp to gather info from Wu's lab, and DNA from Dino's, and whatever else they needed. But then Brooklynn caught on, I got scared, and then everything went wrong. This is the last thing I wanted to happen". Sammy said to us and then yaz, who looked mad " ohh. To be next to a broken van on killer dinosaur island? Hey, me, too, what are the odds?". Yaz said to Sammy.
" yaz, I" Sammy went to say something but yaz cut her off by saying " was it all a lie, wanting to be friends? Pretending you card about.. you just needed someone to hind what you were doing. Tell me I'm wrong".

Jean my started to cry and her crying turned into sobs. " I'm sick and idiot". Yaz said before turn around and walking " you are wrong! I just didn't know how to say it, how to explain to you. Just because I spied doesn't change who I am".
Sammy grabbed yaz shoulder and yaz pulled her shoulder away and said " don't touch me! Go away, Sammy".

Sammy turned around and ran off crying somewhere, yaz walked back to us.
" look, I know the situation were in is suboptimal-". Ben said but Brooklynn cut him off and said " it's trash. Just say it's trash, Ben".
" yes, but despite the obvious trashitude.. we need to. What are you". Ben said just then bumpy stared squealing and I then felt rumbles. I covered Ben mouth before looking around and see the dom running dead at us.

" run!". I screamed before we all parted away and all I could hear is Ben yelling " this is trash, this is trash". The dom just ran passed us, just then I saw a helicopter coming up and go after the dom shooting it.
" masrani's helicopter! That's his call sign on the tail!". Kenji said and then Darius said " they're shooting at the indominus!".

We all ran and followed the helicopter all the way to the pteranodon dome. We watched as the helicopter dropped and wee heard a loud crash and then the helicopter came back up.
" yeah! Kick its butt, masrani! We're saved! Yeah, baby! Ah I told you, they've got it totally under-". Kenji said and I said " Kenji wait".

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