(Flash backs)

I could see many graves, a place that I would go often when my father passed. I looked around and saw my self the say after my father died. I was crying on the ground, actually more than crying, sobbing. Till i couldn't breathe, till I was about to throw up. I had never felt more pain in my life until after i realized my dad was never coming back.

I walked closer to myself and hear me sobbing and saying " you said you'd never leave me and mom. You lied, if only I didn't go to the softball try outs, only if I hadn't rushed you to hurry up and go to the softball field so I wouldn't be late, you'd still be here. You'd be here with me and mom, but you're gone". I took in deep before continuing talking " why'd it have to be you, why not that person who was damn( we are mad and we will cuss) was drunk driving. He took you away from me! He took the one thing I loved and cared about the most all because he wanted to drive drunk and I hope he go to hell, I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison because of hurting you".

I stood up slowly and grabbed my crutches, and started walking away.

( back story: y/n was in the car when they got hit and her father was the only person who died)

Just then I saw mother standing there with a thing of flowers. She bent down and placed them on my father's grave and started speaking with a low voice so I stepped up to hear her.

" y/n got into another fight today that school, ever since you've passed. Y/n been getting in a fight almost two weeks. She's been suspended six times already and it's only been three months. I just don't know what to do, just please tell me what to do. Give me a sign or something. I just want our baby girl back". My mom said as she stood up and walked away.

After a few seconds I saw myself come back, I was older than before maybe about a year or two. I was mad about something, I couldn't remember.

" I can't believe mom, she really dating another man. It's only been two years since you've been gone. And she-she just replaced you. And gosh his son Kenji is soooo rude and annoying I just wanna smack him in the face. He's in a grade above me in school but gosh I don't like him. And back to mom and Mr Kong, I believe mom is trying to replace you with him but dad what do I do. Do I kept doing softball or what? Mom says I'm too good to let all my talents go to waste". My past self said and that's was the day that I started practicing softball again, the one thing me and my father always did together.

I watched as my past self walked away, I watched me walk down the street and into my old house.


I felt water dripping down onto my face, slowly waking me up. My body hurt, I slowly raised up which was hard cause I was hanging off a tree branch. I groaned as I looked around and remembered everything that happened and realized that I was the only one on this dinosaur island.

I slowly started making my way down the ground which took a second cause I was far up in the tree. When I reached the ground I just started walking until I eventually found a road and just started following it.

I walked for a while, it was already dark again by the time I finally found somewhere which ended up being the lagoon. I knew that there was food in the food stand so I just walked over there and climbed in there and found a small knife since I wasn't able to find the one I had.

I picked the lock and realized that I had a bunch of food. I grabbed a plastic bag and shoved food in it and did that a few times and then I walked around the lagoon and found a backpack that I could use to put the food in.

And that's where I stayed the night at before think about setting up a place high up in the tree, no dinosaur could reach me.

After the sun started to shine I hopped out the food stand and started walking. Just as I saw the sign for the camp I thought about the batting cage, it was net, it was strong. I could use that.

I quickly ran down the road and made it to the camp and grabbed a map from the ground that had been stepped on and shoved it in my pocket and walked down to the batting cage and then then took all the nails and the net and decided I was going to go and try to find Astro.

I walked around for a while before finding an empty van, I crawled in and found a table and luckily the power was still running so I looked up astros name and saw that he was near a place that had a bunch of different Dinosaurs. I then got out and started walking toward the place.

You would think being on an dinosaurs filled island would be scary but as long as you just be quiet and walk on the dirt roads and through the paths you would be find but the only thing you have to worry about is the compy's cause they may be cute but them things are mean.

I finally made it where it said Astro was, I pushed a few branches out of the way and saw Astro who was playing with another dinosaur.

I smiled as I walked toward them and just then I saw one of the ankylosaurus started to run straight at me. I quickly screamed and took off running toward Astro and I saw Astro turn toward me and then start running towards me.

I quickly ran out from in between them and then I saw Astro swing his tail and hit the ankylosaurus in the face hard which made the ankylosaurus turn around and run away.

I stood there as Astro slammed his tail on the ground a few times before turning toward me and started jumping up and down and then circled me and pressed himself against me and i hugged Astro and said " you missed?".

Astro mellowed me and nuzzled his head in my neck and we stood there for a while before I said " wanna come with?".

I then took off running away from Astro which made him run after me. We ran into the forest for about 5 minutes before I found four tree that was perfect for the net. I took the net and climbed up the tree until I was about 50 feet in the air and took a rock and a nail and hung the first side up.

I stood up on the branch and carefully walked over the next branch and did the same until all sides was hooked and I slowly laid down and it was perfect. High up so no dinosaur could get me and I could see Astro who was now asleep under the tree.

It was dark so I rolled over and fell asleep. And that's how I would spend my day everyday finding new stuff and adding to the net bed.



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