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Chapter 11

Si Nan heard the sound, quickly straightened his clothes, and came out of the east room.

She was the last one to come out. When she came out, Chai, Jian, and Wuming were already standing at the door of the room talking to the visitor.

The man was brought by Wang Tiezhu. After listening to his introduction, he knew that among the two strange men in front of him, the one in his fifties was the old branch secretary of the second team, named Zhang Enhe. The other younger man with glasses is Zhu Pingan, the accountant of the second team and the timekeeper of the second team.

The two first expressed their warm welcome to the educated youth on behalf of the production team and Cai Gensheng, the captain of the production team who went to the county for a meeting, and then talked about some situations in their Sanyou Village and the Second Team.

No matter what the reason was for building separate houses for educated youths in the first place, people can now point to the houses and confidently say that this house is their intention to welcome the educated youths.

Can we build a new house if we are not sincerely welcome?

No way.

After the old party secretary talked about the current situation of the production team and some basic requirements for educated youth, he also mentioned that the educated youth in the team lived in scattered places. "The reason why educated youth take root in the countryside is to integrate into the villagers. This is also in response to the call of the country."

But when Simon heard this, he raised his eyebrows knowingly.

This is to use the eyes of the masses to supervise this group of educated youth, and at the same time to quietly divide this group of educated youth and prevent them from getting together.

The old educated youth knew that it was impossible to return to the city, and gradually adapted to the life here. Under the influence of the surrounding villagers, he was too lazy to work hard for food rations.

The newly arrived educated youths all live together in the same batch and age, which naturally creates a small collective consciousness among these educated youths. With this kind of awareness, the old educated youths in the front and the new educated youths in the later years were subconsciously excluded from their own people.

After such an arrangement, even if there are those who want to cause trouble, even if they are new here, they are just weak and can't defeat these local snakes.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this is just boiling a frog in warm water.

Fortunately, Si Nan never dared to look down on anyone. After coming here, he was in awe because of the descriptions of this era in the movies and TV shows he had watched. So now the old party secretary took Accountant Zhu to give him a sweet date and a stick. She can follow the blows without any pressure.

It wasn't until the sky completely darkened that this unique welcome ceremony between the old Party Secretary and Accountant Zhu officially ended.

Of course, what they wanted to say and what they wanted to warn was all said and done. All that was left was how to get the new educated youth to settle down.

Due to the limited climatic conditions and geographical location in Fushun County, the farming work in the fields is actually not bad.

After the Qingming Festival, the ground thawed. We first mixed the soil with manure to nourish it, and then plowed the land to create ridges. After finishing these tasks, we had to wait until late April when the temperature got warmer before we started planting corn. Of course, at this time, the private space at home will also have to be tidied up. Things like potatoes and peanuts are also going to be planted.

Planting the seeds, watering, fertilizing, and weeding is a complete set of tasks. It may not be a big job, but it is not easy.

When the weather warms up, you can plant cucumbers, squid, beans, peppers, eggplants, green onions and other home-cooked dishes in your own plot or in your home vegetable garden.

If you plant too much and you can't eat it, you can dry it into dried vegetables and keep them for winter. Of course, you can also go to the supply and marketing cooperative in the county to exchange for some needles and thread.

In mid-to-late August, the corn in the fields is almost ready to be harvested. After the corn is harvested, we will plant a crop of autumn cabbage and radish. After October, cabbages and radishes began to grow. Some were sold to supply and marketing cooperatives, and some were kept at home. Pickled sauerkraut, hidden radishes, and dried vegetables dried in the summer, this is all the vegetables that the villagers need to eat throughout the winter and most of the spring.

At this time of year, the peanuts grown by each family are almost ready to be dug, and Simon and his family have just been allocated their private land today.

A total of one acre was divided. The village did not care how the four people divided it.

Oh, and the yard in front of the house. If you work harder and turn it into a vegetable garden, the village will plant whatever you want.

According to regulations, individuals cannot raise pigs. However, there are villagers in the village who specialize in raising working pigs. At the end of the year, the village will kill pigs and share the pork, but how much pork you can share depends on how long you have been in the village and how many work points you have earned.

Hearing this, Simon felt that the pork would be in trouble this year without the four of them.

By the way, each household in the village can also raise three chickens. As for how educated youths raise chickens, the village also gave an explanation.

When educated youths were sent to the countryside to live alone, more than five people were counted as two families, and less than five people were counted as one family. The village doesn't care whether they eat or sell the ones they raise themselves.

Oh, I have to mention that every family has to hand in dung on a per-person basis. It doesn't matter whether it's human or animal.


Speaking of which, the work in the fields has become almost non-existent since the turnip harvest. But you can't be idle in winter. There is no work in the fields, and there are still manual jobs such as quarrying, building roads, digging trenches, and building dams waiting for people to do.

Every day's work is calculated as one day's work points, and at the end of the year, grain and money are distributed according to the work done.

Some families can get a lot of food by the end of the year, and some families can't pay back the food they borrowed from the village for the year.

Among them, the educated youth borrowed the most food.

I'm not afraid you'll starve to death. Borrow it, you may not be able to pay it back. To be honest, these village cadres in the village committee are in a dilemma.

But no matter how difficult it is, the village committee has to lend the food out. At this time, after the old party secretary explained to Sinan and others, he allowed Sinan and others to borrow grain from the village before officially starting work.

Sign your name on the note the accountant takes out to borrow grain. He printed his fingerprints again, and in a blink of an eye, Wang Tiezhu sent over the fifty kilograms of rice and noodles borrowed by each person.

But you can't cook even if you have rice and noodles.

There are water tanks for filling water, buckets and burdens for carrying water, basins for steaming rice, baskets for steaming steamed buns, shovels for cooking, spoons for cooking porridge, etc., etc., etc., these cooking guys have no style.

When someone asked, the old party secretary said that someone in the village had prepared some for their children to get married. If they were in a hurry to use it, they could use the money to buy it for emergency use.

"How much money do you need?" Simon asked, mentally calculating whether he had enough money.

The old branch secretary looked at Accountant Zhu, and Accountant Zhu said: "It will cost you 20 yuan no matter what."

After hearing this, Si Nan nodded and wanted to buy it, but Wu Ming on the side smiled and took out 20 yuan and handed it to him. Accountant Zhu spoke.

After the money was handed out, Wu Mingcai turned to Simon with a smile and said, "It

doesn't matter who gives the money. It's important to get the things back first." Accountant Zhu ignored these things and took the money and left with Wang Tiezhu. Instead of going to any back village, he went directly to the village committee compound and carried the things in the warehouse and Wang Tiezhu to the car.

Promoting kindness and fighting against hatred should not lead to mistakes.

Besides, getting married is not a business. Only when they spend the money will they know how they feel.


After all the things were delivered, the old party secretary told them to listen to the sound of gongs and go to the village committee compound to sign in and start work the day after tomorrow. Then he considerately gave the four of them two days of settlement leave.

Almost no villagers in the village have clocks, except for a small clock that was confiscated in the village committee courtyard in the early years. In order to facilitate management, the village committee has decided on the method of beating gongs to assemble and sign in for work.

After the words were finished and the work was done, the three old branch secretaries left under the moonlight. After watching the three people leave, Simon and the others returned to the house, lighting the kerosene lamp and preparing to cook dinner.

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