Chapter 17

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"She's okay, Dean. I managed to heal her human part. Now, it's just up to her to heal the rest," Cas says in his usual monotone voice.

I sigh and look him straight in the eyes. "Thanks, and sorry for how I treated you earlier. I'm just scared of losing her. She means everything to me," I say with a lump in my throat.

I hear footsteps approaching behind us. I turn around, and Sam is coming towards us with a book in hand. "Hey guys, I think I found something."

"What is it? How to cure Y/n or how to get rid of Lilith?"

He clears his throat. "No, sorry, Dean. It's related to Lilith and the Seraphyscoria."

"What do the Seraphyscoria have to do with all of this?" I ask with a look of astonishment. First, she wanted to eliminate us, or maybe she still does, and now there's a connection between them and Lilith. "Why is she related to Lilith? What does the book say? Spit it out."

"Dean, calm down. The Seraphyscoria aren't directly related to Lilith, but they have the power to kill her, and apparently, they're the only ones who can do it on their own." I remain silent, staring directly into Sam's eyes. I don't even want to think about Y/n having to fight Lilith on her own. I won't allow it; it's either all of us or none.

After a few minutes of not speaking, I give Sam a sign that he can continue. "Because to kill Lilith, you need the strength of angels and demons, and we know she possesses both powers. That's why her kind alone is the only one that can do it."

"But if her kind is the only one that can do it, why didn't they do it when she threatened them?" Cas asks, clearly irritated. It makes sense. If Lilith threatened to destroy them, why didn't they all team up and kill her when they had the chance?.

"It's something we'll have to wait to ask her when she wakes up," Sam said in a frustrating tone.

At that moment, the floor beneath us began to shake, the lights flickered, and the sky outside darkened. Sam, Cas, and I positioned ourselves in front of Y/n, each wielding our angel blades to protect her from whoever might have come to her house. At this moment, it could be any creature since she dropped all the warding on the house.

After a few minutes, we saw the door opening slowly. "Hello? Y/n, are you here?" announced a man's voice.

Why does a man know her? How did he get here? Without wasting any more time, I shout, "Who the hell are you!?".

After a few seconds, a man's figure fully appears in the doorway. He stops in his tracks immediately, sending daggers from his eyes to all of us. Realizing that there are three of us, he squared his shoulders, looked at us intently, and positioned his open hands in front of his chest as if he were about to cast a spell. "Who are you?! Why are you here?" he demands with a firm voice. None of us dared to say anything. We were ready to defend Y/n with our lives.

The tension in the room escalated as this dude continued to glare at us. His presence was unsettling, and the air crackled with challenge.

"Answer me! Why are you here? why are all of you in my house?!" he demanded again, his voice echoing through the room.

Sam, Cas, and I exchanged wary glances. 

I eased up a bit at his question but still maintained my position, protecting Y/n.

"Your house? I think you've got the wrong place, buddy!"

At that moment, he closed his eyes, and when he reopened them, they changed colors—one icy blue and the other a deep red. I heard Cas and Sam take a deep breath, moving closer to me, indicating they were ready for a fight.

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