Chapter 13

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Light Smutt

6 month later

It's been a while since I last saw the brothers. I've been busy maintaining the monster on their places so my little toy doesn't get hurt. Every now and then, I send them a few cases so they can keep on track; mostly, they are an easy salt and burn, vampires or werewolves.

I really miss him. I've spent my entire life in solitude until him. And now that I can have it, I don't want it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm dying for him, I need him, to be honest, but deep down, I know that things will be difficult. He can get hurt or even worse, die.

I promised I would be back as soon as I have everything in order. I never gave them a date so I could buy myself some time. I know they are desperate, trying to figure out what happened to me, at least Dean is.

I sent my demon to keep an eye on Dean and make sure nothing happens. In return, he'll be sending Cas to my cabin. I've never seen him physically, but I feel him. I let my guard down just for him.


I'm sitting on my front porch enjoying a delicious cappuccino. It's almost Christmas, the weather is perfect - chilly with a light breeze, clear sky.

This is my favorite holiday. I can spend the entire time inside my cabin with my fireplace all day, some coffee or hot chocolate, some movies, good music, and books. I love my life. But still, I feel this emptiness, like I'm missing a part of my heart.

Fuck this.

My ears perk up to the sound of an engine getting closer. Who the hell can be here? I am in the middle of nowhere; it's 6 am in the morning. I'm sure I didn't order anything.

I was getting myself ready for whoever might be on my property, fueled by an excess of caffeine and a pent up anger. I could feel the tension building within me, a readiness to confront any intruder.

Oooh i'm so ready to throw hands!

As the sound of an approaching engine grew louder and closer, I strained to see who was coming. Finally, a perfect view emerged, and there it was-the Impala.

Omfg is Dean here!?!?

My heart raced at an absurdly rapid pace. A mixture of nerves, excitement, happiness, and fear flooded my emotions in a whirlwind. I wasn't quite prepared to face him just yet.

He brought the car to a stop right next to my bike. His face was inscrutable, a deadpan expression that left me guessing. Was he angry? Furious? Happy? I couldn't discern, but one thing was certain-I was incredibly nervous.

Bitch, you're a formidable being. What's with this anxiety? He's just a human. Stay strong; you're more than this! I started giving myself a pep talk when I heard his voice-the deep, husky tone that never failed to send chills down my spine.

"You!" he growled.


He began speed-walking toward me, never breaking our gaze. Whether he recalled the way to my place or had to threat Cas with the address, either way I was just relieved to see my little toy.

I rose from the chair, my fight-or-flight instincts kicking in. "What are yo-" He cut me off with something entirely unexpected.

He planted his lips on mine, and holy shit, I certainly didn't see that coming. An electric jolt surged down my spine, explosion of emotions ran wild in my head.

Since the first day I laid eyes on him, I had daydreamed about tasting those captivating lips. I had often wondered how they would feel, how skillfully he could kiss, and the thrilling possibilities they held. Let me tell you, he kissed and tasted like a true god! There was a subtle hint of vodka and cinnamon-flavors I knew I'd never tire of.

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