Chapter 9

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I begin following the girl, my heart and mind racing at a thousand miles per hour, much like my car. Surprisingly, she never leaves town. How did she find me? Is she stalking me? Where does she want me to go? My thoughts and questions are as endless as a mile-long road, with every step raising a new query.

As I trail behind her, my mind races with speculation. Did she somehow discover my existence, or is this a mere coincidence? The unsettling notion of being stalked gnaws persistently at my thoughts, definitively sending butterflies fluttering in my stomach. 

A disconcerting question arises: do I find excitement in being the object of someone's attention? that is a question for another moment.

What are her intentions, and where is she leading me? Each step deepens the mystery, unraveling a myriad of uncertainties.

Unsure of her motives, I find myself pondering the enigma that surrounds this unexpected encounter. Is it mere chance that our paths have crossed, or does she hold a purpose in seeking me out? The persistent questions in my mind seem to stretch for miles.

I found myself white-knuckling the wheel, gripped by desperation to finally meet her. However, I couldn't help but wish it could have been under more ordinary circumstances. Why couldn't she have just been normal and spoken to me that night at the bar? As I kept my eyes on her, I noticed we were heading towards a warehouse—of all possible places, why there?

She brought her bike to a halt, swiftly dismounting and rushing inside. I followed suit, coming to a complete stop. With a sense of foreboding, I reached behind my back, ensuring my gun was at the ready and confirming the presence of the first blade.

Entering cautiously, I called out, "Hello, where are you?" My words hung in the air, the silence amplifying the tension. I sweep the entire first floor, finding no trace of her. Instead, there are only old machinery, puddles of water, rotting doors, and an unpleasant odor that I have no intention of investigating.

"little toy" she whispered, hearing her angelic voice her words immediately sending shivers down my spine. Turning around, I found nothing but emptiness. My heart pounded, and a chill sensation ran down my spine. "Let's leave the games and show yourself!" I shouted, yet there was no response.

Frustrated, I continued opening doors in an attempt to find her, but it seemed futile. It wasn't until I reached a neglected corner on the first floor that I spotted a set of stairs, long-forgotten and now rotting, leading to the second floor.

Uncertain about the correctness of my decision, I ascended the decaying stairs until I reached the top. "Hello, little toy, having fun already?" she chimed in, her voice echoing through the eerie silence. Keeping my gun at the ready and pointed ahead, "Oh, sweetheart, I'm always ready." The tension in the air heightened as I prepared for whatever awaited me on the upper floor. 

My ears perked up at the shuffling sound of approaching footsteps from behind me. "There you are, finally. You're hard to find, I'll give you that," I said with a chuckle, slowly turning to face her. Despite wearing the damn helmet, it didn't hinder me from admiring her body. Standing at around 5 foot 4', she possessed curves in all the right places—prominent hips and certainly not lacking in the chest department.

Holy shit, she's a damn goddess.

"Are you done eating me with your eyes, little toy?" she teased.

"Name's Dean, princess, and yeah, I'm done, for now..." I replied, a playful smirk crossing my face as the banter between us continued.

The dimly lit warehouse echoed with the sound of shuffling footsteps and heavy breathing as I squared off against her. The flickering light created an eerie atmosphere, emphasizing the tension in the air.

"You're gonna be mine to possess, and I'm planning on doing it right now," she growled, her voice dripping with menace. I tightened my grip on my gun, eyes narrowing in determination.

With a sudden burst of energy, she lunged at me with a ferocious scream. Reacting swiftly, sidestepping her attack and delivering a precise blow to her ribs. She winced in pain but quickly regained her composure.

"This is how you get your men?It's not lady like. Let me tell you, this won't work with me".  

Undeterred, she circled me, her eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and something darker. "You can't resist forever, little toy. I always get what I want."

I smirked, keeping a defensive stance. "Try me."

The confrontation intensified, a dance of evasions, strikes, and verbal sparring. Each move was met with a counter, the warehouse becoming a battleground for dominance. As punches were thrown and dodged, the dialogue continued, a verbal clash mirroring the physical one.

"Give up, Dean. You can't escape me," she taunted, her attacks becoming more aggressive.

I remained steadfast. "I don't believe in you, and I sure as hell won't be anyone's possession."

She launched once again towards me laughing, hiting me with a knife I didn't know she has, making my gun flying away from me. A sharp pain shot through my side as her blade find my stomach. I winced, feeling warm blood seeping through my fingers as I instinctively clutched the wound.

Catching her off guard, my hand land a solid punch on one of her ribs making her bend to the side and fall to her knees. I took the opportunity and pinned her to the floor with my thights and have the first blade firmly pressed to her neck. 

"You have 2 seconds to take off that fucking helmet," I said through gritted teeth. 

"Or what?" she challenged. I press hard on her throat with the first blade, letting her know I don't mind using it, hell I want to use it, its being a long, long time since the las time this precious see's blood. "wait, don't, I will, just get off of me" Im not taking chances over here "no, do it now!".

I see her moving beneath me, wiggling herself to take off the helmet. When she finally does, my breath catches in my throat; I can't believe what my eyes are seeing. She has the most beautiful face. Her eyes are (e/c), almond-shaped, with the longest eyelashes I've ever seen. Her nose is delicate, adorned with freckles. High cheekbones and a softer jawline frame her face, but what truly takes my breath away are her lips — fully carnage rosy lips that could undoubtedly captivate any man with just a simple kiss."

I was undoubtedly under her spell because I didn't even notice when she slipped out of my grasp. Grabbing me by the neck, and pinning my legs with hers, I feel something invading my body, making my limbs feel weak. It feels like cold water running through my veins, making me dizzy. 

"What are you doing to me? What do you want?" I say almost inaudibly as I'm slowly passing out, my vision start to get blurred. Trying to focus, I see is her eyes, one Icy blue and the other a deep red staring into mine with intensity.

No, no no!, it can't be! She is the creature! 

Looking at me with a wide smirk, she whisper to my ear "night night little toy, see you soon" with those last words the darkness consumes me completely."

She won this one. I will won the next one, that's a promise...

Wings of Desire -Dean Winchester x Fem Reader-Where stories live. Discover now