Chapter 10

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(hello friends!! this one is a bit longer than usual, i hope you enjoy it!!)


"My lady, my lady!!" I heard the demon screaming, rushing toward me as I attempted to enjoy my homemade pizza with a really cold coke. I lifted my gaze, meeting his scared, round eyes. "Pet," I commanded, "calm down, take deep breaths, count to 5, and then talk."

After a couple of minutes, he finally calmed down. He was shivering and sweating as if he had just run a marathon. "My lady, a Winchester is sitting in the middle of the room!!" I chuckled. "Yeah, dummy, remember when I asked you to grab my bike? Well, someone needs to drive his car back home," I shrugged.

His eyes were round, so big they were almost popping out. "You... how did... when?" he started to stutter, unable to find the right words. Rolling my eyes, I sighed, passing a tired hand over my face. Sometimes, I don't know how he's still alive.

I gave him a stern look. I would work with him another time; right now, I just wanted to finish my plate. It's not that I needed to survive off human food, but when I'm not hunting souls, this is my other fuel.

Sometimes, I love to go on a soul-hunting spree; other times, I just want to act like a normal human being and eat in restaurants. It's hard being all alone. I remember hearing my parents laughing and joking around the house.

Will that time come for me? I don't know.

Finishing my plate, I got up, picked up the dishes, and left them in the dishwasher. Turning my back to face the demon, I reassured him, "Hey, there's nothing to freak out about. He's tied to the chair, and I've used my power to ensure he doesn't escape."

He let out a shaky breath, giving me a puzzled look. Whatever he had in mind, he managed to pay no attention. "I'm leaving, my lady, going to do my rounds in the woods," I dismissed him with a simple nod.

My old, cozy mountain cabin. It's nice to be back. This place has seen more than my eyes have witnessed. I grew up here, with my best memories and the most thrilling adventures with my brother. This is my true home, my heaven... and hell...

Our parents decided to move countries and left the cabin for us. After a couple of years, my brother found his soulmate, and I was willing to leave him the cabin.

When you live long enough, you pretty much can have whatever you want, so I got apartments in almost every state.

My brother chose to move with his soulmate to Alaska. Yeah, I know, crazy, right? But it makes him happy, and that makes me happy too.

A slight growl caught my attention. "Finally, grumpy head is awake!" With happy hops, I made my way to the room.

I sat down on the floor, cross-legged in front of him, with my sunglasses on, observing how he slowly woke up. "Well, hello, Dean."

Apparently, if I didn't make direct eye contact, I wouldn't feel that sensation, and probably neither would he. Until then, I would keep using it.

Dean started to breathe heavily, his chest rising up and down non-stop. "What do you want!" he snarled.

I chuckled, "Good morning to you too, with your little toy. Everything. I told you I got what I want, didn't I?"

"Wow, you really are a stalker and a psycho, huh?" he spat.

I laughed loudly, "You wanna take matters into your own hands? I'm ready."

"Well, sweetheart, I could, but you decided to use some mojo and tie me up here. Nice house, by the way," he said, looking around him.

Wings of Desire -Dean Winchester x Fem Reader-Where stories live. Discover now