Chapter 14

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I woke up with a light headache to the sound of pots and pans coming from downstairs. Opening my eyes to the unfamiliar room, I went into fight mode, trying to grab my gun, which was nowhere to be found. 

The room was big enough, all white with an immense chandelier on the ceiling. A large mirror with LEDs was in a corner of the room. The wall in front of the bed had a flat-screen TV with two chairs on each side. There were two grey doors, one on each side, assuming one for the bathroom and the other a closet of some sort.

It was then that all of yesterday's memories came flooding into my mind, forming a light smile on the corner of my lips. I'm in y/n bedroom. I was waring nothing but the sheets. Passing a hand through my hair, trying to get it a little more styled, I started scanning the room to find something to cover up. There was nothing, only my boxers on the chair. I let out a small chuckle.

Smart girl.

After I put on my boxers, I made my way to one of the doors, hoping to find the bathroom. to my surprise, it was the walking closet. Jesus this girls must be rich. The closet was the size of a small studio, full of clothes and shoes of all kinds. But what caught my attention was another small door hidden behind some art. 

Do I want to know what is in there? Absolutely. Will I ask her? yes. Do I want to open it without her permission? hell no. I choose life, and with her, anything is possible, I just wait for the right moment. In the mean time, I will send these thoughts to the back of my mind.

Making my way to the other door, I finally found the bathroom. It wasn't as big as I expected, but it was nice. All black and white, a wall-to-wall mirror with two sinks on the bottom. The shower was something out of a movie, with two shower heads on each side and one coming down from the ceiling. On one side was a small bench decorated with some eucalyptus surrounding it. 

Huh, interesting.

I finish washing my face, making my way out of the bathroom when I notice another bench with some of my clothes on. Only my jeans, socks and my flannel. At least I have something, but where is my fucking t-shirt? Oh, well. Getting all dressed up, I decide to leave my flannel unbuttoned.

The room was at the end of the hall. There were couple more doors on each side and a few decorations on the walls, floor and coffee tables. I start scanning everything atound me to get a clear mental image of where I am, walking towards the set of stairs, I'm clearly not on the first floor but the second one. There is one more sets of stairs going up. Maybe the attic? I don't know.

I keep hearing noises coming from downstairs. Moments later, my nose gets hit with the sweet smell of bacon. Yes!. Without caring about my surrounding anymore, I rush down the stairs following the smell and the sound. Finally finding the kitchen, I stop dead on my tracks. There she was, with her back to me, working non-stop on breakfast.

My breath hitching in my throat. She looks so stunning. She's in panties wearing a T-shirt, not a simple one, but MY missing t-shirt.

Help me God.

Without turning her back, she greeted. "Good morning little toy. How did you sleep?" I forgot she could sense me. "Slept well, and woke up even better..." She let out a small chuckle.

"It smell delicious; I didn't know you could cook." She laughed "toy, it's just bacon, and when you've lived long enough, you can master almost everything." She then turned to face me, sending a wink in my direction. 

We sat and ate in silence. I had a lot of questions; I wanted, no I NEED to know her more, to figure out why she left.

After our breakfast, I decide to help her clean the kitchen and the dishes. Finally, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I cleared my throat and ventured into the conversation that lingered in my mind.

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