Chapter 3

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"No, Dean, I don't know him personally. I've been following him for a while, and he seems suspicious," Cas said.

Sam positioned himself behind the demon, pointing at him, directing his gaze toward Cas. "He's behind all of this?" 

"Okay, enough!" I shouted, frustrated. "I'm tired of all this mystery. None of you seem willing to talk. Either you tell me where everything is happening, or you leave right now and find help somewhere else."...

After several minutes, they finally gave me all the information I desperately needed. Why does everything have to be so difficult? Gosh! 

"Sam, we're leaving in 5. Take care of them." With that, I just left to my room with a lot on mind. What are we up against? What new creature is Chuck playing with now?...

Several hours later...

Halfway there, I decided to stop and rest at a motel for a few hours, grab some food, and maybe some drinks. Recharge for whatever I was about to face. "Sam, report. Did you find anything?"

"It seems like it all started out of nowhere. There's no trace that it happened elsewhere. This is ground zero. No one knows who's behind all of this," Sam said with a disheartening tone.

 I had never seen him this concerned. Normally, he has everything under control, but this, this is something beyond what we or other hunters can handle. "Are you saying demons are just attacking angels for no apparent reason?" I say incredulously, not believing a single word.

I'm not the type of person to stay quiet when I don't get answers or when I don't get what I want. I won't stay quiet.

Whatever that thing is, I still have the first blade and the Colt, With those, we'll be fine. Hope will be an easy kill. 

Anyway, I'm very tired from the trip, and we still have a few more hours to go, so we better get some rest if we can. In the morning, I'll do some more research.

But, of course, resting was out of the question. I couldn't close my eyes even if I wanted to, so I decided to grab my computer and check the area we were heading to: North Carolina.

I need to look for any signs of unusual activities, people disappearing, murders, anything. But everything was eerily quiet. This thing is good at cleaning up its mess, I'll give it that. Very meticulous and delicate, impressive. The damn thing knows how to cover its tracks.

But I'm good at catching small details. Hell im the best!

Nowadays, it's easy to know what's happening in the world thanks to technology. I have no doubt I'll figure it out soon.

Look at that, a group of "influencers," if you can call these brats that. They uploaded a casual video of an abandoned warehouse. They were exploring the place like dumb ass teenagers trying to be "famous", always risking their lives as if nothing. 

Screaming, running and scaring each other with props and shits.

Nice set up by the way. 

All of a sudden, half way to the video,  in a corner, I caught a figure in the distance. At first, it looked blurry, but the more I observed the image, I could decipher a bit of what I was looking at.

A human figure, It's definitely a human figure, that's for sure.

But what caught my attention the most were its eyes...

Its eyes were not normal. What the fuck is this? My intrigue keeps growing as I continue to stare at what's in front of me.

Its eyes were glowing with intense colors. Something you might expect if it were nighttime and a possible cheap camera glitch. But this video was taken in broad daylight, with too much clarity inside the warehouse. 

What the hell?!

It was just for a couple of seconds, but it was enough. 

One of its eyes glowed an intense icy blue, way outside the range of normal colors. The other eye glowed a deep red, almost as intense as the color of blood. And judging by the size of the figure, it can't be more than 5'5", something I can easily take down.

"Why haven't you slept?" Sam says from a corner of the room, making me jump out of my chair. Obviously, the bastard doesn't sleep and needs his morning exercise routine. "Nothing, just checking if I can find information and I did, Check this out," I show him the video I found.

Sam quickly positioned himself on the other side of the table, examining the video as intensely as I did. He starts moving from side to side; I see him becoming stressed, running his hand over his face and through his hair.  "Did you see its eyes? It can't be! A mix of a demon and an angel? Has this ever been seen before? Is the video damaged?" 

I know for a fact that angel eyes glow blue, but this—what the hell is with the red eye? A demon? Skinwalker? Wolf? A new freaking creature? I have a lot of damn questions right now, as does Sam, but no answers at all. What the hell am I dealing with? How can I kill it,  it can be killed?

Or maybe we're delusional, and this is some sick trick with a camera just to get more views. But no, it doesn't make sense. Sam checked the video, and it's from the same place where things are happening. We got an exact address to start with.

Aha! Bingo!

"Alright, let's keep moving. We need to get there ASAP."

We hit the road again, the anticipation and tension growing with each passing mile. Sam and I exchanged theories about what we might be up against, but none of them seemed to fit the bizarre combination of characteristics in that video. 

A demon and an angel merged into one being — it was unheard of, and the red eye only added to the mystery.

As we approached, an unsettling feeling crept over me. The air seemed charged with an otherworldly energy.

We parked the car a few blocks away and approached cautiously on foot, weapons ready at hands. 

The abandoned warehouse loomed ahead, casting long shadows in the dimming daylight.

As we entered the building, a sense of foreboding hung in the air. The silence was broken only by the creaking of the floorboards beneath our boots. We moved deeper, guided by the eerie glow of the red emergency exit signs. 

Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the darkness, sending shivers down my spine.

I signaled to Sam, and we pressed on, our senses on high alert. The encounter with whatever had those mesmerizing eyes was imminent, and the unknown dangers lurking in the shadows added to the adrenaline coursing through our veins.

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