Chapter 8

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"It's been a week since we started working on this case. Since the last time at the warehouse, things have been quiet. I'm wondering what that thing is up to now. The demon hasn't shown up or called, so I'm assuming the waters have calmed, for now.

"Hey, Cas! How's everything on Radio Angel?" I ask as soon as he picks up the phone. To be honest, I'm not in the mood to see his face. I'm still mad that he knew about it and that there are lores and books with info on how, or at least a bit of info on what this is and how to get rid of it. We've read every single book we can find on it; Sam navigates the internet non-stop with no avail.

We even called Bobby; he says it was the first time he heard about it. If this old walking encyclopedia doesn't know about it, then we are screwed. "Radio Angel is quiet. There is no disturbance anywhere." Perfect. We just have nothing else until the creature decides to start the show again. Hanging up the call, I place my hand over my tired face.

"Sam..." I pause for a moment, still with my hand on my face. "I think I'm ready to go home. There is nothing for us here."

"Yeah, it's better if we just get home, do more research with what we got, and take a break," he answers, with a tired voice. He was sitting on the sofa in the corner of the room with one leg crossed and his laptop in hand.

I shift on the mattress beneath me, thinking that one part of me wants to leave this town for good. I'm not going to openly admit that I'm still scared, but at the same time, another part of me tells me to stay. Why do I feel the need to stay when I actually want to leave? Was it the girl from the bar? No, I don't think so. If she didn't leave that fast, she probably would have been a one-night stand.

Why then? What's wrong with me? I'm not the guy you want to settle down and have an apple pie life; that's more Sam's style, not mine. I know I'm not having it. But this girl, there is something about her. I wish I could see her, like actually see her and not just behind that mysterious helmet or in the shadows, for that matter.

"Hey Bobby, what's up?" Sam responds, giving me a 'we have more work' look. Getting up from the mattress, walking towards Sam, ready to know what Bobby needs help with, I'm more than anxious to get the fuck out of here. I wait patiently for Sam to hang up. "What is it?" I ask, giving him a hurry-up look.

"Bobby and Rufus need our help with some Rugarus." Finally, something light for us. I was about to tell him to get ready, but my mind starts racing non-stop, and my heart pounds so fast in my chest I swear it's about to explode. "You know what, I'm staying here and trying to get this done. You go with them."

"Are you... what?... why... Dean! Are you being for real? You see how close we came to getting killed if it wasn't for Cas?" He says it like that, giving me chills, but I can't make myself leave, even know I want to but can't, not yet.

"Yeah, I know, but what if that happens to someone else, another hunter? You know what, call Cas, tell him to go with you. I'll catch up with you when I'm done."

Despite Sam's protests, I remain firm in my decision. There's something about this place, about the lingering mysteries that keep pulling me in. As Sam reluctantly makes the call to Cas, I find myself drawn to the girl, my hunter instincts tingling with anticipation. The thrill of the unknown keeps me rooted, and I can't shake the feeling that there's more to discover here.

Once Sam leaves with Cas, I take a moment to gather my thoughts. The room feels charged with an unexplained energy, and the weight of the unresolved issues hangs in the air. As I prepare to delve into the task at hand, a sense of determination replaces the earlier unease. Whatever secrets that thing or the girl of the bar holds, I'm determined to uncover them, even if it means facing the shadows alone.


That night at the bar, when I spotted my little toy, I was so intrigued to get to know him better, to uncover what he was capable of and the little secrets he guarded in his mind. I wondered how far he could go once I had my hands on him, commanding him at my will. The only information I had was their last name, the famous Winchester brothers, but not their first names. I could find out his name later; for now, he would be my little toy.

I wished I could have kidnapped him right there at the bar, but a strange chill, a vibe deep down in my soul, made me hesitate just a little. All my instincts softened for a moment; the more I stared at him, the more the sensation grew. I wanted to play with him, to see how good he's hunter's instincts was, so I sent a "gift."

However, something scared the hell out of me as I continued to feel it. "This has to stop; I'm leaving," I murmured to myself as I rose from my seat. 

I passed by him, casting a little spell—an innocent one, more like a GPS type. I needed to know where he was staying so I could keep an eye on him, just for... fun.

For the next few days, I "stalked" him discreetly. He was staying with his brother at the cheapest, ugliest motel in town. Growing bored of just watching him from my apartment, I decided to drive to the motel.

Upon arriving, I spotted his beautiful car parked in front of a room: Room 105. Got it! Did I knock and make myself present? Nope, I decided to wait here until he came out. The weather wasn't bad either.

Finally, after a couple of hours, I saw a bright light through the windows, little after, someone  opened the door. That's when I saw him, my little toy making an appearance.

I parked my bike in a spot easily visible from his door; I needed him to follow me. I was confident he would, considering I kept things mysterious at the bar, and I had a feeling he liked it. I initially thought he would be an easy target, I thought he was stupid enough not to find me after the drink, but he proved me wrong.

He scanned the parking lot before making eye contact with me. When he finally spotted me, his body stiffened, making him appear taller than he normally is. 

What a delicious sight.

He stood frozen for a moment. I adjusted myself on my bike, taunting him. "Come on, baby boy, make a move," my thoughts racing as fast as my heart. That's when he started walking in my direction, but I was fast enough to rev my bad boy and take off. I watched through my mirror as he ran to his car, turned it on, and followed me.

Wings of Desire -Dean Winchester x Fem Reader-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora