Chapter 27 - Our child misses you

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Theo closed the car door and walked over to the passenger side as Rain closed the car door at his side. They're currently parked outside Rain's house and Rain noticed that the light on his parent's bedroom is still on.

Rain leaned his back on the closed car door while Theo stood in front of him.

"So, I noticed that your mood took a downhill later into the night. Did something happen?" Theo inquired.

Rain fished out his phone from his pants pocket and flashed the screen at Theo. The screen showing Taylor's message. Theo made a silent 'Oh' with his mouth. Suddenly, Theo leaned in and placed his right arm on the car roof, caging in Rain.

Rain was about to push Theo away when, "Shh, work with me here. Someone's looking at us." Theo whispered and gestured his chin slightly to his left side.

Rain subtly moved his head to his right and saw a white Maserati parked about 3 houses down from where they are.

Rain gave a gentle push at Theo's shoulder, "I don't care what he thinks but please do not provoke him. He may really go after you."

Theo put some distance in between him and Rain, "Aww, I was about to enjoy making your man furious, but you wouldn't cooperate." Theo complained.

Rain laughed a little, "Go now. I'll see you later." Rain pushed Theo to walk to the driver's side.

After Theo started the car, the window on the passenger side slid down.

Rain leaned on the open window, "Be careful driving. Text me when you get home, ok?"

Theo nodded at this and smiled before driving off.

Rain walked to their gate while side eyeing the white car on his right. He closed the gate, opened their front door and walked up the stairs stopping at their parent's bedroom door.

Rain knocked softly and said, "Tay, Nay, I'm home. River's sleeping at Fallon's. Don't worry, Fallon's nanny is here from Naga so they're not on their own."

"Yes. She already texted us. Get some sleep, anak." Rain's father answered.

Rain walked to his bedroom and directly entered the bathroom to wash up before bed.

After washing up, Rain still feels energetic, so he sat on his bed with his iPad and started to read from where he left off on his ebook. About half an hour into reading the book, he heard a knock which earned a confusing frown from Rain.

"Come in." Rain said and his father opened the door.

Rain's father looked at him and sighed, "Rain, I think you should go down. Taylor's been there a while and he's been looking up at our house since."

Rain sprung out of bed muttering, "Imma whipped that dumbass' sorry ass."

"Tsk, Rain calm down. Just talk to him and tell him to go home, ok? Don't start a fight." Rain's father advised.

Rain deflated a bit and after a while nodded.


Taylor half leaning, half sitting on his car's hood, watched Rain as he opens the gate and slowly walk towards him. Taylor can feel the annoyance oozing from Rain as he stopped in front of him.

"Taylor, in case you're not aware, it's past 2:00 in the morning already. You're causing Kuya Fred to lose sleep, you're disturbing my parent's rest time and you're annoying the hell out of me! What are you even doing here anyway?" Rain fired at Taylor while throwing a wave at Kuya Fred who's standing at the other side of the car.

Taylor smiled a little thinking 'My baby looks hot when he's mad. I will never get tired of looking at that amazing display of fiery temper.'

"Our child misses you, so I'm bringing her to see you." Taylor replied while patting Masey's hood.

Rain truly wanted to punch Taylor for that absurd excuse.

"I see you've finally lost your mind! However, I do not care! Just please stay far away from me, ok?", Rain heatedly said while looking at Taylor with his hand folded across his chest.

Taylor stood up and walked closer to Rain which made him take a stumbling step backwards. Taylor gently grabbed Rain's left upper arm to steady him.

"Careful!" Taylor cautioned as he took advantage of the situation by rubbing both of Rain's upper arms to calm Rain's temper and to get a dose of skinship.

Rain uncrossed his arms to shake off Taylor's hand. "Taylor, you're clearly drunk. Please go before I call village security." Rain warned.

Rain abruptly turned around and started to walk back inside when Taylor's words made him stop.

"I know you still love me." Taylor suddenly said.

Rain slowly faced Taylor with a wide-eyed look as if saying 'I cannot believe the nerve of this guy!'

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