Chapter 26 - Admiring you from afar

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"We still on for tonight?" Rain, still wearing his sleepwear of white singlet top and dark blue pajama pants, plopped himself on a dining room chair across River who's having a late breakfast with Archer.

"Huh?" Archer asked with a confused, slightly stupid looking face which earned a small frown from Rain. Rain then mouthed silently, 'not talking to you, dumbass!'

Archer looks offended and tried to gain sympathy by shooting River a sad look adorned with pouting lower lip and matching eye flutter. River tapped her ears and waved her hands towards Rain indicating Rain's in a call.

Archer in turn formed an 'Oh' with his mouth when he saw the airpods on Rain's ears.

After ending his call with Theo, Rain helped himself to garlic fried rice and eggs. He quietly ate his breakfast without looking at the couple in front of him.

"Soooo, you going out tonight?" River asked when Rain did not share any info on what they heard from his phone call.

"Uh-hmm." Rain hummed with a nod to confirm a yes to River's question but did not add anything.

"Oh my God! You are so infuriating! It is easier to dupe Archer into bringing me chouquettes for breakfast than to get you to speak more than a couple words these offense Hon, you know I love you." River exploded but did not forget to add the last bit as a tiny apology for Archer.

Rain exhaled loudly as if saying, 'How can I have a drama queen for a twin?'

"Yes, Theo and I's going for a night out, and yes, I am planning to invite you and Fallon along, and yes, Fallon can bring Ash." Rain paused and when Archer opened his mouth to complain, Rain interrupted him with an impatient wave of his hand, "Yes yes yes, you are invited too!".

Rain then turned to River, "That words plenty enough for you?" Rain sarcastically asked River.

River nodded happily and began texting Fallon while having a bit of thought about her twin.

Even with her outburst, River did notice that after meeting Theo yesterday, her twin kind-a improved a little. At least Rain started provoking Archer again.

After breakfast, Rain checked out a message from Theo. He saw that Theo sent a Waze* direction for a night club at Tomas Morato, a location in QC where several clubs, bars and KTVs dotted the whole street.

"Rain, can we have late dinner before partying later? Fallon says Ash need to finish up some work before picking him up and they won't have enough time to grab dinner first.", River shouted from the living room.

Rain gave a thumbs up without looking at River's direction and he heard her complaining not too quietly, "I sometimes wonder if Kuya Forest sent a different Rain back."


A few minutes past 10 that night, Rain entered a Filipino restaurant near the location of the club that Theo sent earlier. Theo stepped in beside him and hooked an arm on Rain's waist looking all handsome and proprietorial.

River who is seating with Fallon and the Hidalgo brothers, waved to get their attention. As River and Theo neared the table, Archer raised an eyebrow when he noticed the hand on Rain's waist.

Theo subtly pulled a chair for Rain to sit before calmly sitting himself across Rain. He turned around the table and flashed a genuinely happy smile and introduced himself.

"Hello all, I'm Theo Cervantes. Marcus and I started our friendship in Pagudpud. I hope to get along well with everyone that is important to Marcus.". Theo then offered a handshake to everyone in the group.

When he reached Fallon, "I heard so much about you when I was teaching Marcus to surf. I hope I'll have the opportunity to see you atop a board someday."

Ash who is seating across from Fallon, frowned a bit at this statement but relaxed when Theo immediately let go of Fallon's had after just briefly shaking it.

Fallon in turn whispered to River, "It's really hard not to like this person."

"I know. The other day, Rain met him for the first time since Pagudpud and I saw a slight improvement on Rain's usual cold manner. Rain even started teasing Archer back yesterday." River whispered back.


Rain scanned the place while Theo greeted a few people after entering the club. The main floor's dotted with tall cocktail tables and stools. Separated by a railing from the main floor, booths with sofas lined the sides of the walls. A big stair leading to the upper floor is situated on the right side. The DJ's booth on the second floor can be viewed from where they're standing.

Theo waved his hand in the direction of the DJ's booth. A loud 'Hey Theo!' echoed at the venue as greeting from the DJ.

Theo led the group directly upstairs where sofa booth seating also lined the area. They reached the DJ's booth which is separated from the seating area with a waist high railing.

A server motioned them to sit on a sofa surrounding a small table right in front of the DJ's booth railings.

After everyone's seated, they order a round of drinks and snacks to much on.

Theo gently touched Rain's elbow and motioned for him to get up. When Rain's on his feet, Theo guided him towards the DJ's booth by holding on to Rain's elbow.

"Theo! Haven't seen you in a while!" The DJ exclaimed as he leaned over the railing and grabbed Theo's hand while bumping his chest over Theo's while their locked hands' in between their chest.

"Been busy lately, you know school and other things." Theo replied.

The DJ looked at Rain and cocked his head slightly sideways as if asking Theo who is this person.

"This is Rain Marcus, a friend. Marcus, this is Tristan." Theo introduced.

"A friend huh?" the DJ teased Theo while extending his hand to shake Rain's hand.

Theo just smiled and Tristan smilingly raised his hand as if in surrender. "Enjoy the music. I'll pass by your table once I finish this set." Tristan said.

Theo guided Rain back to their table which is now filled with several bottles of beer interspersed with glasses of cocktails.

Rain reached for the glass of jack-coke while smiling at River and Archer lively dancing to the beat of the music.

Eyeing Theo's mocktail, "Are you sure you're not drinking? Archer has someone he can call for driving services." Rain asked Theo.

"I'm good. Plus, I invited you, so I want you to have a good time without worrying about getting home." Theo replied.

An hour into their night out, while Rain's swaying along to the music, he felt his phone vibrating.

I would really like to be the reason for your wonderful smile but sadly I'm not. But I am still grateful that that I can admire your dazzling look from afar.

An unknown number sent that message and Rain whipped his head around to look for the sender who's apparently observing him from afar.

At the end of the aisle, a table near the stairs, he saw Taylor slightly waving his lighted phone. After confirming that Rain has seen him, Taylor raised his beer bottle in salute to Rain before drinking from it.

*Waze – A navigation app that is popular in the Philippines

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