Chapter 17 - I play for the other team

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The super early morning flight to Laoag is uneventful. Rain's cousins on the mother side, Forest and Hunter, runs a beach front resort in Saud beach. That morning, Forest picked Rain up from the airport.

"Rain!" Forest shouted to get Rain's attention when he exited the airport. Rain walked toward his cousin and gave him a short hug.

"Looking good, Kuya Forest." Rain said as he surveyed his cousin. Forest's wearing a white tank top and cargo shorts. A tribal tattoo that covers most of his upper right arm displayed for anybody to see.

Forest laughed ang jokingly said, "Well, good looks run in the family. So, are you ok now? Heard you were sick and needed a break after that."

"Yes, ok now." Rain said

It's an hour and a half drive to Pagudpud form the airport. The sunrise happened while they were on their way.

Because of the very early flight, Rain opted to sleep when they reached the resort. He woke up a little after 2:00 in the afternoon when his younger cousin, Hunter barged into his room.

"Wake up, wake up! It's afternoon already, are you going to sleep the day away?" Hunter chanted as he shook Rain awake.

Rain squinted his eyes to look at the clock on the wall. "Woah, it's afternoon already?"

"Yes! Go wash up and meet me at the restaurant." Hunter commanded.


Rain walked to the main resort's building and arrived at a seating area right across from the resort's restaurant. The resort is not very big. Although the land is expansive, the structures are not that many. There are five separate villas scattered in the property. The main building is a small 3 story structure. The first floor is dedicated to the front desk, a small seating area and about seventy percent to the resort's restaurant and its kitchen. The second and third floor has six rooms each with the hallway facing the beach.

Forrest and Hunter's house where Rain's staying is a few meters away from the villas with a small gate separating it from the main resort.

"Look who decided to join us." Hunter commented when Rain joined him and Forrest at a table on the corner of the restaurant. The restaurant's dining area has no solid walls. Instead, it has waist level railings and from that height up to the ceiling, it's open air. Rain inhaled the hot afternoon breeze as he sits on a table facing the expansive lawn to the beach.

"Tsk! He's here to rest. You know he was hospitalized." Forrest chided his brother.

Forrest then turned to Rain, "Eat up so you can recover faster.". At the table a big platter of everything grilled was served. There's grilled fish and shrimp, pork belly with garlic-vinegar as dipping sauce. A side of grilled eggplant and salted egg with chopped onions and tomatoes is also present.

As the three eat a late lunch, Hunter talked about what they can do during Rain's stay at Pagudpud.

"And we are going to a party later. Friend at uni's having a birthday party. Lots of pretty girls to look at." Hunter slightly elbowed Rain's arms while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"You do know I play for the other team, right?" Rain informed Hunter who immediately had an enlightened reaction

"Oh, right! Forgot about that." Hunter laughed and sighed. "A lot of ladies will be heartbroken then later."

Forrest and Rain laughed at this.

"Don't drink too much and be home early, ok? Especially you Rain. You're still recovering." Forrest reminded them.

Rain nodded at Forrest to show his agreement.


It was late afternoon when Hunter stopped his copper colored truck in front of a house with a large yard. Party's in full swing when Hunter led him to the open gate of the house. It's not a formal gathering, more of an inuman* session if truth be told. A few staff's stationed at a grilling area where various meats and seafoods cooking over fire. At one corner of the yard, one big plastic drum contains bottles of beer submerged in water with big chunks of ice that's hallway melted. Another drum contains bottles of softdrinks also with water and chunks of ice.

Hunter introduced him to everyone using the same line, "He's our cousin, Rain. Will be staying with us for a few weeks."

Rain was in his third bottle of beer when he started feeling tipsy. "Hunter, I'm going to get some air." Hunter nodded at this.

Rain walked towards a bench near the fence of the property. He sat Indian style atop the bench and looked up the setting sun. He's already seeing a few scatterings of stars even though it's not yet fully dark. Maybe this is because air pollution's less in Pagudpud than in Manila. Rain breathes in deeply, trying to dispel the heartache that weighs him since he decided to give up on Taylor.

A few minutes passed when a face suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his view of the setting sun. Rain's so surprised he nearly fell off the bench.

"Shit!" Rain cursed in surprise.

"I'm so sorry, nagulat kita?" (Were you surprised/scared?) A guy around the same age as Rain apologized. He sat beside Rain on the bench after asking.

"Theo. You are?", the guy beside Rain asked as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Ah, Rain Marcus.", Theo nodded a few times acknowledging Rain's reply as they shook hands.

"I'm from QC by the way. Me and a couple of friends are staying at a resort near Saud. Got invited by the birthday boy when we were hanging out with them at the beach park yesterday." Theo shared.

"I'm from Rizal. Also staying at a resort in Saud area. My cousins run the resort and they're friends with the birthday boy."

Theo and Rain talked until Hunter eventually approached them. Hunter said they need to get back early as promised and asked Rain if he wanted to go grab some rice meal before they head home. It was then that Rain noticed that he's been with Theo for almost two hours already.

"I'll see you around Marcus." Theo bid him goodbye and walked back in the direction of his friends.

Hunter smiled at Rain with a knowing look and wiggling eyebrows.

"Whaaat?" Rain faking annoyance asked.

"I leave you for 2 minutes and you were able to attract someone?" Hunter teased him.

"I know right? Good looks definitely run in our family." Rain jokingly boasted

Hunter gestured a fist bump with his hands and Rain bumped it hard while they laughingly head home.

*inuman session – Translates as drinking session. A Filipino gathering where alcohol is consumed to celebrate an occasion. There is usually the presence of a karaoke or videoke machine where the host and guests sing their hearts out while drinking.

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