When Did Love Become War

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***Don't forget to play music to complete the mood.

Dean lays you down in bed, you reach out to touch his arm but something in him shifts. "Aren't you going to stay?" You say wearily.

Dean just stands there silently looking at the floor for a few seconds. "I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you, Freya."

"It feels like there's a but coming." You reply

"But it doesn't change the fact you lied to all of us, you lied to me. You played me from the start, Freya." His fist tightens at his side, he still won't look at you.

"I know but I didn't have a choice, Dean. I can explain everything." You pleaded as you reach out for his hand one more time. He takes several steps away from you. "I need time to work this out and you need to rest. You'll get your chance to explain and it better be good."

With those words, he looks up at you, his face filled with hurt. It physically hurts you causing you to recoil further into the bed. Dean turns and walks out, closing the door behind him, leaving you alone with your guilt.

Several hours later you awake feeling stronger, so you bravely venture out of your room to find Dean. You hear aggravated voices coming from the library. You stop before entering and listen."So she told you, Asmodeus is controlling her somehow? She was doing this against her will. That's a good thing, am I wrong? Rowena queries.

"Yes...no...I don't know." Sam lets out an exasperated sound.

"She wasn't black eyed the whole time she's been here. She wasn't a complete puppet." Anger thick in Dean's voice." 

I have to agree with Squirrel. She seemed under her own free will when she sicked my own hounds on me." Crowley spats.You take a deep breath and it takes everything you have to make your feet move, but you step into the library. They don't notice you at first so you clear your throat. 

Your eyes sheepishly flit from one person to the next."I'm sorry. I can explain everything." You say.Crowley steps in front of you. "You can start with when you plan to give me back my throne?" 

"I betrayed Asmodeus, it's no longer mine to give back. He will have turned my army against me, telling them I'm a traitor." You explain.

" Seems like the shoe fits pretty well, Cinderella." Dean huffs.Rowena pushes Crowley aside, taking your arm and guiding you to sit down in a chair. "Why, don't you start at the beginning, dear. Help us understand why you did it."

"Asmodeus found me at my lowest. I was still so angry, even after I avenged my love. There was so much pain, violence was the only thing that numbed it." You turn and look at Dean. "That's when I met Spike and started to work for hire. Asmodeus, approached me, told me who he really was and that he could make it all go away, forever."

"So was your retiring a lie, like the rest?" Dean grumbles "Was anything you told me the truth?"

"No, I didn't retire. There was a lot I told the truth about though, especially you and I." There is a small waver in your voice."I didn't know I was part demon until Asmodeus told me. It explained why my magic was so strong."

"Honestly, my dear, you are a warlock. Part witch part demon. It is some of the strongest natural born magic there is." Rowena explains."But, it's not just any demon. It's the blood of a Prince of Hell." Sam interjects.

"Exactly, Sam. I don't understand it, and I'm still trying to figure it out but somehow he can control the demon side of me. It's like the human part of me gets locked away somewhere in my head.I can see everything the demon does and says." You reply.

"I saw you fight it, though. You didn't hurt me when he ordered you to. So why not just fight it all the time?" Dean argues.You stand up defending yourself but try to control your voice. "You saw what he did to me when I disobeyed! That was mild, Dean. I've blacked out for days after he's punished me. I maybe able to fight the demon side of me but I'm not strong enough to fight him. That's why I used the resurrection spell. He can't control blood if it's not pumping. I killed myself for you." You plead as you search Dean's eye for any kind of forgiveness.

"You could have told us when you got here. Maybe we could have helped block his power over you." Sam retorts."There's something else. After I fight the demon side back there is this cold emptiness that lingers. Each time I have to fight harder and harder to bring back my empathy." You say looking at Sam.

"There has to be some way to block his power over that side of you? We could make some sort of long term binding spell." Rowena says as she grabs a book, flipping through the pages.

"It might be possible, but it would probably limit my power.""Why not just excise the demon?" Crowley interjects"You can only excise when it's a possession. I'm not possessed by a demon it's part of me, in my blood." You retort. "Even if I could, I would be useless in a fight against Asmodeus."

"All I'm hearing is excuses for why you can't give that side up." Dean growls at you. "It sounds like you don't want out from under Daddy's thumb?"

"Why would I let myself be controlled, forced to do things I don't want to do?" You protest. "Because maybe you like the power he's giving you? Maybe you actually want the throne?" Dean hisses as he closes the space between you.

"You think I like hurting the people I care about? Betraying the person I love?" You argue as angry tears start to well in your eyes.

"I think maybe the apple didn't fall far from the family tree? I mean being a power hungry whore willing to do whatever it takes, seems to be a family trait." Dean looks to Rowena and Crowley. " No offense.

"Rowena gives Dean a venom filled smirk. "Offense taken.Crowley just shrugs his shoulders. "None taken. It's true"

You stand there in shock, letting his harsh words sink in. As a single tear slides down your cheek, your hand connects with the side of Dean's face, a loud crack fills the room. Dean rubs his jaw with ice in his grin. "Fuck you, Dean Winchester!"

"Been there done that, big regret." He holds your gaze, cold and heartless.You finally break his stare, you turn to Sam as you try to hold back the river of tears waiting to break through the dam. "I am sorry." You whimper before you turn and leave the library to go to your room.

"Bloody hell, Squirrel, there's cruel and heartless but that was something else all." Crowley sneered. "I think I hear a cup of tea calling our name?" He says turning to a stunned Rowena. She simply nods and leads the way to the kitchen.

Dean can feel Sam's eyes boring into him. He looks over to him. "What?" He snaps back."I've heard you say some cold shit man, even been on the receiving end of it, but that...you crossed the line, man." Anger and disbelief etched across Sam face as he squares off with his brother.

Dean lets out a deep sigh. He runs a hand over the back of his neck. "She lied Sammy, to all of us. How can we trust her again? Aren't you angry?"Sam watches as Dean starts to pace slowly. "Yeah, I'm angry. No, I don't know if we can trust her the same way again? I also know that it wasn't all her own doing. She stabbed herself in the heart to save you. I think that's a little far to go for a lie, don't you?" Sam replies calmly.

"I know.. I crossed the line, Sammy. I can't take back what I said, but I don't know what to do?" He chokes out through his hurt and regret."I suggest you go and talk to her, if she'll even open the door to you at this point." Sam warns.

Dean just shakes his head. "I fucked up big time, Sam. You're right though, I just hope she'll listen."

"I hope she gives you a better chance to apologize than you gave her." Sam trails off as he turns and heads to the kitchen.

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