Here Comes Trouble

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Sam and Dean change into regular clothes and drive out to the little bar at the edge of town, Miss Katie's. They walk in and take two stools at the bar.
A brunette bartender with piercing blue eyes and ruby red lips places a bowl of pretzels in front of them. "So what can I get you boys?" She says with a hint of a New York accent.
"Two beers, please." Dean says with his usual charming smile.
She flushes a little. "Coming right up." She pops the top on a couple of frosty bottles and sets them down in front of them.
"So you going to be hanging around to open a tab?" She asks hoping to see those green eyes a little longer.
"Probably not." He says as he winks and slides a couple bills across the bar to her.
Sam turns around and leans against the bar scanning the room for any tells from the patrons.
Without turning around Dean takes a swig and speaks to Sam. "Anyone stick out to you?"
"No, but it's still pretty early. We may not get a hit tonight." Sam says as he brings the bottle up to his lips, taking a long sip.
The boys sit and watch for a while when two women walk into the bar, catching their attention. One blonde, the other with vibrant teal colored hair. They talk to a couple people as they saunter their way to the bar and stand next to Dean.
The blonde leans over the bar grabbing a couple olives. "Hey Katie can we get the usual please?"
The bartender hollers over her shoulder as she grabs a couple of glasses. "Coming up, Jenn."
Katie places the glasses, with amber liquid in them, down in front of the women. "There you go."
As the one with teal hair brings the glass up to her lips Dean turns his head to look at the captivating beauty. "So what's the usual?" He says with a slight grin.
"Only those that are buying the next round get to know, so are you buying?" You say with out looking at him.
Dean turns to the bartender and raise a hand. "Katie, another round of...."
"Jameson" You say as you turn to look him in his green eyes.
It feels like he's been hit with an electrical charge when he turns to look at you. "Another round of Jameson, please."
The second round appears just as both women finish the first drinks. You look at him with your steel grey eyes and down the next one and place it back on the bar.
Dean cocks an eyebrow. "So what's your name?"
You give him a crooked grin. "That only comes after the third round and I think I'm good for now." You proceed to grab Jenn's hand and drag her to the dance floor.
Sam laughs as he watches his brother sit there with his mouth slightly agape. " She's got a good game."
A little while later a couple of rowdy looking guys come in, grabbing a table. They look like they have already had several rounds before they even got there. The blonde and teal hair women start to make their way past the table when two guys try to grab them. They try to pull them into their laps.
"Hey gorgeous! Why don't you stay and have a couple drinks?" One says
The blonde named Jenn tries to pull away and politely says " Thanks but we're good."
Neither men take a hint. Just about the time Sam and Dean start to stand up to interject, the other woman proceeds to throat punch the guy holding her arm.
"Maybe if you learn to treat women better they might stay." You say as you grab your friend and head towards the ladies restroom.
Dean and Sam sit back down. Dean turns to Katie the bartender. "So who's the fiery green haired one?"
"Well Jenn's been a regular for the past couple years but the other, she's new. Only been around a couple months. I believe she's Jenn's new roommate. I can't remember her name though."
Dean shrugs his shoulders a little. "Huh, thanks."
Both continue to watch the crowd as the bar starts to get busier. They keep on eye on the rowdy table, there's just something about them. After coming back from the bathroom Dean notices that feisty green hair has started to cozy up to Mr. Throat Punch. It looks like she has had one to many Jameson's. The rather large guy is helping her make her way out what looks like a back door.
Sam continues watching the table when he notices Jenn putting her drink down on the table to clap for the band. He watches as the other one drops something in her drink and proceeds to hand it back to Jenn to drink.
"Dean, where's Jenn's friend?" He says not moving his eyes away as the woman sips her drink.
"Seems like she warmed up to Throat Punch after all. They just went out a side door. It looks like she had a little too much to drink, why?" Dean asks.
"She's not drunk Dean. They're drugging the girls, these are the guys!" Sam stands up and starts to head for the table. "I've got this one, go find the other now!"
Dean doesn't hesitate and heads for the side door. As he bursts out into the dark alley he sees you pinned up against the side of the building by two men. Dean pulls out his knife and runs at the figures.
As he gets closer he hesitates for a split second, confused by what he's seeing. Two men have you pinned up against the wall, pulling at your shirt to expose your chest. One man produces a small knife, cutting a slit in your pale skin. As the crimson fluid starts to seep from the fresh wound the second man leans in and laps at the blood.
"Hmm, yeah she's the one." He says as he produces a small glass vial and starts to collect your dripping blood.
"You know that's not going to get you a second date?" Dean says as he approaches the men.
You are starting to lose consciousness while they hold you up. Both men turn when they hear Dean's gravely voice, their eyes turn pitch black.
"Demons?" Dean says under his breath. He quickly drives the blade into the first one. Sparks sputter and his eyes burn as the demon dies. Dean can hear the door open behind him and Sam yell his name.
"Dean!" Sam says taking in the scene.
Dean lunges at the second demon but he smokes out before the blade touches him. Sam comes up behind Dean as the limp body falls to the floor. Sam hears a soft whine and turns to see you sliding to the ground.
"Shit, Dean" Sam yells as he looks behind his brother.
Dean turns and quickly grabs your lax body in his arms. He picks you up and holds you tight to his chest. "It's alright I've got you." He whispers in your ear. He looks down at you as a warmth grows in his chest.
"Were those demons? I thought we were chasing vamps?" Sam says still confused as he watches his brother easily cradle your body to his chest.
"That's what I thought too. Obviously something else is going on here. Let's get her out of here before anyone shows up." Dean says handing the keys to Sam. "Bring Baby around. We'll go back to the hotel and try to figure this out."
Sam quickly brings the Impala around to the alley and Dean climbs in the back holding your unconscious body in his lap.

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