Under The Mask, I'm Scheming

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You step into the dark room carefully closing it behind you. You hold your hand out palm up whisper " Soilsiù."** A bright green orb materializes above your hand, casting a soft glow over the room.

You give a faint whistle, then you hear a clattering towards to the center of the room. You follow the sound to a large wooden box. It rattles harder the closer you get to it.

You run your hands over the edges of the box. "Shh...I'm here, finally. I'll have you out in just a second." You look at the carvings on the box. "Did they really think this would keep me out? Amateurs."

You chant something under your breath as you watch the etchings glow green. The lid pops open and you lift it slowly. You pull out a large very old book. It looks like it could be bound in skin of some kind, on the center of the cover is a large snake emblem.

You caress the book slowly, lovingly. "Oh how I've missed you me dear friend."

You turn and flick your wrist, causing the box to close and seal itself again. You cautiously step out into the hallway. It's empty and quiet. You quickly make your way back to your room and silently close the door behind you.

You walk over and sit in the center of the bed with your legs crossed in front of you. You let your head drop back, when you bring it back up your eyes are fogged over white.

"I found the book and it's in my possession." you say with a distorted voice. "Yes, everything is falling into place perfectly. They have no clue of what's really happening."

You listen for a second to a voice only you can hear. "Yes, I plan to stay longer, there are volumes of information here that can prove to be very useful in the future."

You blink and the clouds covering your eyes dissipates. You slide off the bed and hide the book under the mattress. You climb back into bed, nestling down and pulling the blankets up over you. You close your eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

Dean opens his eyes to the most delicious smells. He quickly gets dressed and follows the heavenly scent straight to the kitchen.

Sam looks up from the table as he swallows. "Wow you took longer than I thought you would."

You turn from the stove and hold your hand out to Sam. "Told you. Now pay up."

Sam laughs as he pulls a five dollar bill from his pocket. "Lucky guess."

You laugh turning back to the stove top range. "No, I just knew what would wake me up and figured Dean would be the same." You smile at him as he walks up next to you.
He inhales deeply as he grabs a plate. "Mmm, bacon."

"See told you." You toss over your shoulder.

"Wow, eggs and bacon. Sunny side up even. How did you know my favorite?" Dean continues to mound his plate with bacon as you slide the eggs on to it.

"Sam told me." You point to the table. "There's also pancakes and coffee on the table."

"Hmm, god this is good." Dean says through a mouth full of food. "Can we keep her, Sammy?"

You laugh as you sit down on the bench next to Dean, pulling your knees up to your chest. You take a long sip of coffee. "It's the least I could do. I thinks that's the best I've slept in eons."

The three of you sit and make small talk as the boys eat. "Are you going to eat?" Sam asks as he finishes his plate.

"I had an egg earlier. I don't like to eat too heavy before I go on a run." You start to stand up grabbing the empty plates.

"Un uh. Nope" Dean interjects.

"What! Why not? I promise I won't talk to strangers." You say with a bit of whine.

"No, it's too dangerous for you to be out there by yourself, daylight doesn't stop demons." He continues.

"Then you can go with me." You say with a smile and cocked brow.

"Yeah, not something I voluntarily like to do." He chortles. "But, Sammy on the other hand loves that healthy lifestyle crap."

"Sure, I'll run with you Freya. It's been a while since I've taken a good run. We'll meet at the staircase in say, 15 minutes?"

"Sure, sounds like a date." You say as you jump up. "Sorry your loss big boy. I look amazing in a sports bra." You whisper into Dean's ear causing him to choke on his coffee.

You and Sam take a long run for over an hour. When you get back to the bunker, you hear male voices as you descend the stairs.
You recognize one as Dean's but the other has a very thick accent. Scottish from what you can tell. You and Sam step into the open library to find Dean talking to a rather well dressed gentleman.

The gentleman looks over Dean's shoulder at both of you. "Moose, sweaty as always." As his gaze slides to you his eyes light up. "You two have been holding out on me." Crowley steps in front of you and holds out his hand for you. "Who is this delectable creature before me?"

"And who's the guy giving off creeper vibes in front of me?" You say in the same sickening tone.

"Crowley, King of Hell." He says extending his hand further. "And you are?"

"Freya, currently on the run from demons." You say finally offering your hand cautiously.

As Crowley takes your hand in his, bowing his head slightly. "Well, I can assure you I have nothing to do with it." He feels an odd energy coming off of you, tilting his head a little as he watches you.

Sam practically steps between you and Crowley. "Have you heard anything about the attacks? Have you even bothered to ask around?" Sam says with a stern tone. You can tell he's not Crowley's biggest fan.

"Moose, you doubt my word? I'm wounded, truly." Crowley takes a few steps back and turns a little toward Dean. " I was just telling your brother that I've tortured some of my best informants. No one gets away with using my name without my permission." He says very curtly.

"Just let us know if you find anything." Dean says.

"I'll keep you updated." He walks past Dean and leans in. "I would keep an eye on that one. There's something odd about her." And with that he's gone in a blink of an eye.

"What?" Dean says as he turns to look at the empty space next to him.

"Well, I'm going to excuse myself and head for the shower. If I remember there was a promise of going into town and shopping for some new clothes?" You say as you saunter past Dean and Sam on your way to your room.

"Yeah, sure. Shopping, we can do that." Dean says rather distracted. Sam is not sure if it's your drenched sports bra or what Crowley whispered to him.

You exit down the hall. Once you're out of sight. "What was that about? Did Crowley say something to you?" Sam inquires

Dean shakes his head a little. "No, nothing. Just Crowley being Crowley that's all."

You head back to your room, lock the door, and quickly check on the book. You are relieved to find it safely in its hiding place.
You take a deep breath and let it out. "Damn you, Crowley! If you ruin this for me, I will hurt you in ways that you don't  know even exist.

You shower and meet the boys in the library. The day is spent in town shopping and grabbing lunch at a quaint coffee shop. You and Dean indulge in a decadent piece of pie.


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