Like He Wrote The Book

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Dean lays you down gently on his bed. For a second he just stares at you with a look of familiarity. All he knows is when he touches you it feels right and when he's inside you it feels like home.

 He leans down kissing you slowly, deeply. You moan his name against his lips. "Dean" as you run your hands over his shoulders and up the back of his neck. You gently rake your nails through the hair at the nape of his neck somehow knowing it's his weak spot. He nestles his head into your hand as he hums against your lips. 

He breaks the kiss looking at you like he had found something long lost. "Freya, I..."You softly stop him with your lips. You whisper into his ear. "Shhh...I just need to feel you again. Please?" You seductively keen. For the next few hours, he makes love to you like no other man has. There is nothing but soft touches, long deep thrusts, and slow passionate kisses with very few words needing to be spoken. 

Dean can't explain it, somehow he knows your body like the back of his hand. He plays you like a master with a fine-tuned instrument. After more orgasms than you can both count, you lay there in Dean's embrace basking in the warmth of his skin against yours. 

He props himself up on his elbow and slowly brushes a loose hair off your cheek. You hum softly at his touch."How is it that I know nothing about you but it feels like I've known you for a lifetime?" Dean softly questions as those green eyes look into yours.

 "I don't know. Maybe we knew each other in a past life?" You jokingly reply as you pepper his jawline with kitten kisses.

 "It feels deeper than that, I can't explain it." His hand gently glides down your curves.

 "Does it really matter? Just enjoy the now, I know I am." You say running your thumb across his lips. You can tell he's not quite satisfied with your answer. "So, ask me. What do you want to know?"

 "How about the usual... mom, dad, any siblings?" Dean questioned softly as he traces one of your breasts with his finger.

 "Uhm, let's see. Mother wasn't very motherly. I was lucky enough to be born to a narcissist that was more concerned about her career and power than taking care of me. Dad, well, I was an oops from a one-night stand. Didn't know who my dad was most of my life." You rattle off casually.

 "Most of your life?" Dean asks.

 "My father actually reached out to me a few years ago. I'm still not sure about him." You say with a sigh. " So I keep him at a distance." 

"Any brothers or sisters?" He says listening intently to your every word.

 "I have a much older half-brother. That apple didn't fall from the old mom tree. I've never really met him but I know enough about him, that I like it that way." You reply.

 "There isn't a husband or a boyfriend that I need to watch out for, is there?" He says half-jokingly. 

You take a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Widow." You breathe. 

"Shit, I'm sorry. Can I ask what happened?" He asks gently. 

You turn your head, your lips gently pressing against his. "That is a conversation for another time and a couple of bottles of Jameson." You say against his lips before you deepen it, rolling over on top of him.

 A few hours later Dean leaves you still sound asleep in his bed, throwing some clothes on he heads for the kitchen and some much-needed food. As he enters the kitchen humming softly to himself he finds Sam sitting at the table.

 "Sleep good?" Sam says not looking up from his coffee cup as he scans over news articles online. 

"Um..yeah...I guess I did." He stumbles on his words not wanting to tell Sam yet. He grabs himself a cup of coffee and sits down in front of Sam stealing a piece of his toast.

As he shoves the piece in his mouth Sam finally looks up at him with a cocked eyebrow. "That was my last piece!" 

He gruntsDean looks at him, grinning, as he takes another bite. "Bitch."

 "Jerk" Sam retorts with a slight grin. "Did you get up last night and make a sundae?"

 Dean stops chewing for a second but quickly recovers. "Yeah, had a bad sweet tooth last night." 

"You must have made a big mess since you left these on the floor?" Sam questions as he reaches under the table and produces Dean's grey sweatpants. "There's white cream everywhere." He teases with an evil grin watching his brother squirm.

 "Oh shit! Uh yeah...the...the can exploded in my hand. Made a mess all over me." The older brother stammers as he grabs the pants from Sam. He quickly tries to change the subject. "So have you heard from your favorite red-headed witch?"

 "No, nothing yet. I'm sure she's mixed up in something nefarious somewhere. I left another message for her though. So hopefully I'll hear back from her soon." Sam says as he goes back to his laptop screen. 

"I hope she does, I don't know if Freya can take another dead end?" Dean says trailing off thinking of you lying naked in his bed. 

Both boys are silent for a few minutes when Sam pipes up. "Oh hey.." 

"What? Tell me it's something good?" There is excited anticipation in Dean's voice. 

Sam looks up deadpan at his brother. "I just want to know when you started wearing red lace thongs?" Sam holds up his other hand with what's left of your underwear. 

Dean is speechless for a few seconds before grunting. "Shit". He goes to grab the delicate material hanging from his brother's fingers. Sam pulls it out of his reach. "I thought you were going to wait until we solved the case before you made move on her?" He reminds. 

"It's not like that, Sammy. It just happened and she initiated it." He takes a deep sigh, lowering his head as he runs his hand through his hair. "It's just not like that." He mutters more to himself. 

Sam's brow furrows watching his brother. "Hey, what's going on, really?" He inquires. 

"I don't know. I really wish I did." Dean finally looks up at Sam with a strange look in his eyes. "There's something there, man. It feels like I've known her forever. I can't quite explain it. She's in my dreams, Sammy. From the first night in the motel, she's all I dream about." 

A look of concern spreads across Sam's face. "Demons chasing her and now this. There is definitely something going on here. We need to figure it out and quick." 

"What I can't feel something for someone without it being bad?" Dean retorts back upset by what Sam is implying.

 "No, it's not that, Dean and you know it. Do me a favor though and check your room for any hex bags, ok? If there's nothing then I'll be happy for you, deal? I'm going to try and get a hold of Rowena again. I think we need her here and fast." Sam gets up and grabs his phone and dials it as he heads toward the library.

 The next few days blend together once more, except this time scattered between researching was amazing sex with Dean. It definitely broke up the monotony of page after old dusty page in the ancient books.

Sam and Dean step into the kitchen, where you were making sandwiches for the three of you. They both had a smile and spring in their step."What's got you two so perky?" You question as Dean comes to stand next to you.

"Our last source of help finally called back and she will be here in less than 48 hours." Dean happily informs you.

"Oh my god! That's wonderful." You cheer as you wrap your arms around Dean's neck excitedly. "Maybe, we can finally get some answers. Maybe I'll be able to go home." You say turning back to the sandwiches not seeing Dean's excitement drop from his face.

"Yeah, maybe we'll get lucky." He says as he runs his hand over his neck. 

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