chapter 6 | Within you

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"Wait," Jungkook forces me to focus back on him for the last time, but his body language expresses some serious discomfort. "You probably don't care about it, but...I just, I mean, I broke up with her..." the news he announces slam into my chest, and my heart instantly responds to it. "I don't know why I'm telling you this...but I just wanted you to know..."

I have no idea what to say to this, but what I am certain of is that I should hide the disgusting happiness this brought to me. "I...Why did you? I mean, when did this happen?"

"One week after we stopped talking," he reveals, and as if my body knew exactly what this means before my brain even could, it starts to weaken. "I'm sorry for telling you this out of the blue, but I feel like I won't have another opportunity to talk to you again anytime soon, so I needed to let it out."

"Don't say sorry," I reassure him. "Are you doing okay though?"

"Yes, better now that it's over," he proves me that she has never been a good person to him and that I was right, but I keep quiet about those thoughts I should not let anyone other than Angelo hear. "Why did you feel the need to tell me this now though? You didn't say anything earlier when Kaden talked about you being in a relationship."

"Felix is the only one aware for now, so I didn't want to talk about it in front of them, you're the only one— I mean, you still are to me, but when we were close, you'd be the only one I feel comfortable talking about this type of stuff with, and..." he averts his eyes from me and lays his hand over his car, maybe not knowing how to control what is happening inside of him, and the connection between us strengthens through a lingering exchange of looks. "I just...I miss you a lot."

Some silence follows his sentence as I cannot think quick enough to avoid this, I lick my lips and decide to let it out. "I miss you too. I hope it's not...not too difficult to move on," I do not even make sense, speaking without memorizing what he told me a second ago. "It's not too bad. I knew it was the best thing to do anyway," he relieves me with a comforting answer, and I smile. "Good to hear."

"You can go now, I don't wanna hold you back any longer," he helps me a lot and puts an end to it himself, so I say goodbye for the second time. "It's alright. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here," I think otherwise and change my mind now that I know what he is going through. "See you, and take care."

"Take care too," he grips the handle of his car's door and watches me walk away from him.

I hate myself for taking those news with delight. I am a horrible person.

"Is everything alright?" Angelo shows some worry once I get in his car. "Yeah," I put my seat belt on, and he turns the ignition on to go on the way back to my house.

"Are you sure you're okay driving after the alcohol you drank?" I ask, making sure he is fine enough to have all his focus on the road. "Yes. I wouldn't do anything that could put you in danger. Don't worry."

20 minutes later...

"Happy birthday for the last time," I wish him now that we are in front of my home, and his lips turn up. "Thank you. I'm really happy I got to spend it with you. It made my day."

"Really? Even if I slept a lot at the end?" I find it hard to believe it, wondering what I could bring more than any of his best friends do. "Yeah, even if you did," he laughs, quietly, holding the bottom of the steering wheel. "It felt good to have you cuddled up against me, so I'm not gonna complain, and you can't control your sleepiness, so I'd be an asshole for complaining about it."

I stare at him and listen to his meaningful words. I love to hear that I make someone feel good. I do not know anything better than that. "I'm glad to know I make you feel like that. It means a lot to me."

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