Fears of fire (2/2)

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TW: SA kinda?

There was no chance of sleep that night. Wednesday just lay there, boots digging into her ankles and heals every time she shifted.

She knew Enid wasn't asleep either, constant shuffling and occasional sniffles coming from her side as the night dragged on, soon enough the clock flashing six. They had to be up in thirty minutes.

"Wednesday?" A voice finally filled the silence, though Wednesday had to resist the urge to stick a knife through the girls head to silence her. She made no effort to answer.

Their alarms went off, though Wednesday simply slammed her hand down on it, rolling over to face the wall this time. She wouldn't mind missing her first period, if Enid actually left she would have a chance at sleep. Only one problem, Enid did the same thing.

"I'm sorry." The words felt like nothing. They were sincere, but they did nothing to fix what had already been done. Privacy wasn't something that should have to be earned, it was a damn right.

"Do you think that means something to me, Enid?"

"I didn't know, I-"

Wednesday threw the covers back, glad she was still in her uniform with her makeup and hair done perfectly from the sleeplessness as she walked out the door and into the hall. She would request a new roommate, maybe even find a way to shut her up if she hadn't been so attached to the damn girl.

Someone's footsteps followed her down the steps and into the Quad. Once away from the dorm, she turned, finding herself face-to-face with the last person she wanted to see.


"Well don't you sound happy to see me," he grinned one of those creepy grins, his eyes glinting. A sudden idea struck Wednesday faster than she could stop it, and her teeth ground as she realised it might work.

"Meet me at your shed after classes."

Her face burned worse with every step she moved away from him. Enid was a jealous person, it was in her instincts as a werewolf. They were territorial, over items, land and...people. She wanted Enid to feel angry, hurt, and betrayed. How she felt.

The day dragged on with painful grogginess, and much to her displeasure she even found her head bobbing a bit in advanced maths, though finally the final bell rang and she lept from her seat, leaving before Enid could get there and ask for a skipping pass or whatever her plan was.

Grinding her teeth, Wednesday sprinted to the shed with her phone in hand. She had to get there before him for this to work. The doors were still closed and no music came from inside when she reached it. Prefect.

With trained hands, she quickly widdled her phone between a crevice of two paintings, hitting the record button. The feeling of regret already was starting to build up in her chest, her hands getting sweaty.

"You called?" Xavier joked as he entered, tossing his coat onto the single chair in the room. He knew what she was going to do, his face told her everything.

Act, act, act, like you always do. This is normal, this is life. Her chest pounded harder but she forced her lips to draw into a small smirk. "I did." She took a step forward, starting to undo the button of her suit jacket.

"And why would that be?" His face was inches from her, minty, gum so fresh the air burnt her eyes.

"Oh well, you just looked so good this morning..." Her hand came up, adjusting his collared shirt.

"Did I?"

"So handom... best-looking person in the school if you ask me."

"Took you long enough to realise, do you know how long I've waited for this, Wednesday?"

You fell first, I fell harder //Wenclair one-shots//Where stories live. Discover now