Your body is better than mine

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A/N ha...haha...I may be putting my sadness into books at this point because this was supposed to be funny and's just kinda sad so read at your own risk I guess. It's not Angst dw.

Prompt: body awitchhhh

Enid sighed and rolled over, throwing her hand over the side of her bed. Her hand hit something hard, which was weird since her bed was surrounded by stuffed animals. The second odd thing was the fact that her boobs definitely felt smaller, and so did her shoulders...everything about her felt tiny. Something dug into her back, it almost felt like hair, but her hair wasn't long enough to be put into the braid it seemed to be. Gently she opened her eyes, letting them take in the surroundings that stared at her. Everything was black. From her sheets to her pillow...and her nails? She glanced over at the other side of the room where her bed was. Someone was laying in it, no, she was laying in it, but that wasn't her, it looked like her.

Enid swung her legs over the sheets, almost gasping as she found how pale they were. Everything seemed to click into place like a lightning strike. If she was on the other side of the room, but she was also here, then that meant that her mind wasn't in her body, and the only body that was this pale and small...Enid jumped up and ran into the bathroom, almost slamming into the door as she scrambled to look in the mirror.

Black lightly browned hair, deep wood eyes, and freckles painted her skin that stood out without makeup. Apparently, she was not the only one who had just noticed this as a loud scream filled the dorm room, echoing into the bathroom. The scream was followed by a line of cusses that would probably get a kid kicked out of school and someone hopping out of bed.

Enid rushed out of the bathroom to find herself, or Wednesday, standing in the middle of the room with a plain face that somehow screamed that someone was going to die.

"What did you do," both girls asked at the same time.

Enid was quick to defend her case, throwing up Wednesday's pale hands in defense. "You say that like I'm the one strutting around and offending people!"

Her own face stared at her angrily. "Stop making those stupid expressions on my face."

"The emotions?" Enid stretched her- Wednesday's face into a wide smile. Wednesday twisted Enid's face into an odd expression she'd never seen on herself before, before switching to a deadpan as usual.

"I don't think we should let anyone catch on," she said, and Enid found it strange to hear her voice as such an emotionless monotone. "The school might go into a panic if people know there's someone around who can perform such advanced sorcery, and is willing to practice it on students."

Enid nodded, still not used to the weight of the hair on her shoulders. She found herself itching to pull it up, or even cut it off...

After a long pause, she finally blurted "do you mind if I pull your hair up? The braids are just itching my neck, I have no idea how you do this every day."

Wednesday– or, Wednesday in Enid's body– waved her hand distractedly. "Sure. Do whatever you want. But if we want people to believe us, no color."

"Fine," Enid grumbled, grabbing Wednesday's perfectly colorless uniform and stomping off to the bathroom. A bit of excitement at the prospect of being able to put her hair into a fancy updo overshadowed the frustrated-ness, though. She'd started cutting her hair when she was 12, because in a house with so many brothers, long hair was practically begging to be cut, sawn, or burned off. But she had missed being able to do her hair, so now was her chance.

Enid took out the simple braids Wednesday had woven the night before, and got to work. She started with twin dutch braids wrapping around to the back of her head, then tied what remained into a wavy bun, leaving a few strands loose. Then, she dug into her own bright pink cosmetics bag and pulled out a curling Iron. She got to work on the face framers and loose strands, before finally adding a bit of hairspray to keep it from falling apart throughout the day.

You fell first, I fell harder //Wenclair one-shots//Where stories live. Discover now