Romance in the air

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A/N: some fluff for y'all since those that two chaps... there's a bit of making out.

Wednesday was finished packing the bags. She had made sure to bring all Enid's favourite clothes and swim suits, as this would be a surprise. She just hopped she had chosen the right ones.

Hiding the three suitcases under her bed, she rushed back over to the computer she had been using earlier. Plane tickets? Done. Room booked? Done ages ago. Packed including all the makeup and necessities? Done. Now all she had to do was find a way to get Enid to the airport without her being suspicious, than she would tell her what she had been planning.

Her plan had taken months to put together. Around December she had come across a couples weekend suite in Paris while scrolling Facebook, and instantly knew it was perfect. The room servis would set up four different romantic activities for you through the day, meaning eight in total. They ranged from spas to simple bath set ups, or making the bed with roses, though that seemed to happen every night and not count.

Wednesday shut the computer just in time for Enid to walk in. "It's official, I hate grade twelve! Why does it have to be so stressful, and the weekends should be nice but it's so loud here all the time! At least we have Friday off."

Perfect chance. "How about we go for a drive Friday, I bet we could borrow Xavier's car and just take in some scenes. They have pretty roads around here."

A grin spread across Enid's face. "That's so romantic," she kissed Wednesday's forehead, "of course we can go."

Walking over to her own desk, Enid pulled out the homework her girlfriend had already finished, sighing as she started.

Wednesday pulled out her phone, typing in Xavier's number. He knew about the plan already of course.

Hey, can I borrow your car to drive Enid to the airport tomorrow? Havnt told her yet, plan to say when we get there, you could come by later on Bianca's car and the two of you drive back?

It only took a few seconds for him to answer.

Of course, sounds great to me. Did you make sure to pack at least one of Enid's stuffies?

Wednesday rolled her eyes.

Of course, her favourite one, I hope she doesn't notice he's gone tonight. She dosnt normally seem to when I snuggle with her, but I want to save all that for the retreat... eh it's fine I can suck it up.

Discarding her phone, the young Addams flipped through a book instead, reading for the next few hours until Enid let out a loud yawn.

"Done my homework, gonna go get ready for bed."

The two girls changed and brushed their teeth, taking turns in the shower before bed. It was rare that Wednesday even sat on Enid's bed, it didn't matter that they were dating, so she was rather surprised when Wednesday walked over and plain out crawled in.


Wednesday wrapped her arms around Enid's torso, resting her head against her chest. "M lonely without you all day, those stupid clubs keep you out and about."

Enid seemed too flattered to speak for a few seconds. "Uh, you miss me when I'm

"Don't push it."

Taking the point, Enid just snuggled up to her as well, falling asleep within seconds. She had no clue what tomorrow would bring.


Enid woke up without Wednesday in her arms. In fact, the other girl was no where to be seen. A note was left on the table, and Enid frowned in confusion when she read it.

You fell first, I fell harder //Wenclair one-shots//Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon