"Kiss me"

751 17 13

Prompt: kiss me

Scooping the mashed potatoes out of the pot, Enid placed some on each plate, moving onto the steamed broccoli and placing them next to eachother. It wasn't much, but there was only so much you could do for dinner if you missed it, which was unfortunately the case since she has spent all evening waiting for her girlfriend to get back to their dorm, fully forgetting the time.

The door creaked open just enough for Wednesday to slip through, discgrading her bag exactly where it was as she rushed into the kitchen.

Expecting her to want the food, Enid held it out for her, suprised when she pushed it aside, insted gripping onto Enid's hand that didn't hold the plate and using it to press her against the counter.

"Woah! What the-"

She was cut off as Wednesday removed the plate from her other hand, grabbing both and pinning them behind her back. "Kiss me."

Enid blinked a few times, clearly confused. "I'm sorry, what? We can kiss after we eat you know. I'm not leaving."


Almost feverishly, she wrapped her free hand around the back of Enid's neck, pressing her face against hers, her lips unusually warm as she worked her teeth along Enid's lower lip, causing her shiver and hold back a moan. Enid let her hands go limp where they were being held, feeling as Wednesday's fingers dug into the soft skin at the base of her hairline.

"Wednesday," she gasped between each kiss, feeling herself get trapped more and more against the table as she fell into submission to the grasp. "Wednesday the stoves on."

This made her finally pull back, her hair disheveled and her mascara slightly working it's way down her face. It almost seemed as if she had been crying. With a swift motion she turned the element off, looking back to her girlfriend. "Are you going to stop me again?"

"Well I didn't exactly want to burn my hand!"

Wednesday let her hand drop from around Enid's wrists, making her mumble upsetly, and grabbing her plate. "Fine. Be like that."

"I'm not- Wednesday!" She sighed as the girl sat down, starting to slowly chew her vegetables. "I'm no pushing you away, I just wanted to eat! Kissing burns a lot of calories you know."

Placing her fork down, Wednesday gestured to the seat next to her. "Come eat than."

She watched as her girlfriends eyes trailed her, practically admiring her as she started to eat. There were no words to even explain being attracted to watching someone be attracted to you as you ate.

"Done yet?" Wednesday practically growled, pushing her chair back.

With a full stomach this way a much more fun game to play. "I don't know...am I?"

"Hm," she moved to where Enid sat, taking the fork from her hands and scooping up some of the extra food. Using her index and middle fingers, she opened the girls mouth, placing it in. "That should be good."

Enid let herself be lifted from the chair, feeling her back hit the fridge as Wednesday's fingers toyed with the hem of her skirt, her lips leaving marks over her collarbone, leaving her with nothing to do but let it happen, trapped.

She moaned as Wednesday's teeth dug into her skin, overwhelmed by the way her knee pressed between her legs at the same time, her hands shaking as she pressed her claws into Wednesday's arm.

Wednesday kneed her again, making her claws extend even further, her hands rubbing against her girlfriends back, probably leaving marks.

"Gorgeous woman," she whispered, shivering at her touch. Her head hit the metal of the fridge, feeling as what would become lipstick stains worked their way down to her stomach, around her waistline, than back up.

"Wednesday, please," Enid tried to turn her face to the side, but Wednesday grabbed her by the chin, forcing her eyes to look directly into hers, it felt as if Enid's knees were going to buckle.

"Please what."

"I need to breath."

Her airway was fully cut off as Wednesday's hand wrapped around it, watching as Enid's face became slightly purple before she let go. "Why?"

"Because we can't do this if I'm dead."

"Oh, of course," her fingers wrapped around the lowest button on Enid's blouse. "But you aren't really doing anything, are you now?"

"Oh so you wanna play that game."

Enid gripped onto Wednesday's waist, pushing her down and sending them both to the floor as she began to bite at her collarbone, sending butterflies swirling around in Wednesday's stomach.

Mustering some control, Enid pulled Wednesday's shirt over her head, though she felt Wednesday stop her at that. "Don't get too ambitious here, we have school tomorrow."

"Oh you have GOT to be kidding me Addams."

"I don't kid."

Enid laughed, rolling off of the other girl. "And they won't notice the bite marks?"

"I don't care if I have a few marks, I do care about my ability to walk though."

Enid almost choked on her own spit. "Wednesday!"


Sighing, Enid ran a hand through her hair. "Can I snuggle you at least?"

"When have I ever said no to snuggles."

"Literally every day."

"Oh right," she rolled over, wrapping her arms around Enid's torso. "Shall we move to the bed?"

"No teeth brushing?"

"True relationships require morning breath occasionally."

Laughing slightly, Enid got up, picking Wednesday up and carrying her to the bed. "You get the crum side."

"How rude."

"You got home and tried to pin me to the counter, define rude."

"I define it as your sass level."

Enid threw herself down next to her, removing her top and skirt, snuggling up to Wednesday, who would probably have worn her jeans to bed, getting ready for it or not.


"Why do you think that is?"

"Not a single clue."

"Really? Not one."

"Nu Uh."

Enid pressed her cheek to Wednesday's chest. "You tire me out just talking."

"Because I'm too gorgeous to handle?"

"Sure Wednesday, sure."

You fell first, I fell harder //Wenclair one-shots//Where stories live. Discover now