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Prompt: Enid and Wednesday push their beds together when feeling cold on a chilly winter night. They forgot that tomorrow is Parents' Day, meaning parents are allowed in your room, and by the time they get downstairs, there's no going back up.

Wednesday was shivering. She ran cold, but their window had recently frayed around the doors sealing, making drafts flow through the gaps, and when in minus twenty-five, this happened to make a quite strong problem.

"There is no way you are asleep in this cold," Enid huffed from the other side of the room, teeth chattering.

"No one could," she tried to deadpan.

Creeks sounded across the room as Enid repositioned herself. "What if we..."

"Spit of out."

"Pushed our beds together. I mean I could sleep in your bed, but both of us don't enjoy being in such a small space and-"

Wednesday had already stood up, her arms gripped around the edge of her bed frame as she started to drag it loudly to the centre of the room.

Enid jumped out of bed, flinching as the cold wood hit her feet, but she locked her arms under her bed and let the moon run through her, feeling the bed lift off the ground.

"Show off."

Once both the beds were in the middle of the room, they were pushed together and a large blanket was tucked in as the cover sheet. Enid tied the touching legs together with string as Wednesday dug through her closet for the king-sized quilt her parents had given her. Maybe their overprotectiveness was helpful.

Once everything was set up, the girls took no time to crawl in, letting their hands and feet intertwine, feeling warmer instantly.

"Night Nes."

"Bon nuit ma chérie."


An alarm bell rang from both sides of the room, forcing both girls out of bed and over to their nightstands to turn it off.

"Five more minutes," Enid said, plopping back down and wrapping herself in the sheets.

Wednesday was already taking out her braids to make new ones.

"Neeeeeeeesssssssss," Enid whined. "I'm cooooooooold, come baaaaaaaaaack."

Wednesday sighed and began tying her first braid, turning slowly to raise an eyebrow at Enid. The blonde girl was giving her best 'pouty' face, jutting her bottom lip out comically far, eyes wide and eyebrows turned up. Wednesday tilted her head and narrowed her eyes, and Enid gave up, groaning melodramatically and throwing her head down onto her pillow. She slowly rolled to the side, taking the blankets and sheets with her, until she eventually rolled off of the bed. It wasn't a long drop, two feet at most, and she had a thick layer of cushioning surrounding her. The Enid burrito looked up at Wednesday with a 'happy now?' expression, and Wednesday almost cracked a smile. Key word, almost.

After a few moments of silence, Enid jerked on the floor a couple of times before glancing at Wednesday grimly. "I'm stuck."

Wednesday felt her lips crack a smile as she reached down to untangle the girl from her sheets.

Once Enid was freed, she choose to just get up and start dressing. She choose her brightest pink shirt, a fuzzy paler pink sweater, and galaxy tights with white sneakers. One of her less clashing outfits, as they didn't have school today.

Wednesday picked out a black dress she had gotten from Hot Topic. She didn't normally wear her stuff from that store out, as she found it 'disgustingly revealing' but on weekends, when there was zero chance of anyone from her family seeing her, she didn't mind the mini skirt and low neckline. Enid loved weekends.

You fell first, I fell harder //Wenclair one-shots//Where stories live. Discover now