I still remember, third of december.

556 17 13

Prompt: Wednesday dosnt understand the sweater trend, confused by why Enid insists they trade. She later finds out.

"Please, please, pleaseeeee!" Enid begged. "It's just a sweater, you don't even have to wear it all day!"

"You know I'm allergic to colour."

"That is a sensory issue, and you wear this sweater all the time when we are alone," she gestured to the pale pink and white striped atrocity she wore regularly. It wasn't as bad as some of her others fairly enough.

"And why do you want me to wear it in trade for my perfectly colourless much more comfortable covering?" Wednesday lifted her eyebrows.

"Just trust me."

"Last time I trusted you we ended up in a jail cell."

"Oh come on, how was I supposed to know it was tax fraud."

Wednesday rolled her eyes, giving up and removing her oversized black sweater, pulling Enid's over her head instead. "Happy?"

"Very," Enid grinned and pressed her nose to the fabric. "Now I get to smell you all day." That part was kind of nice.

Wednesday rushed out the door, ignoring Enid's final comment as she made her way to her first class, wishing she were in anything less...pink.

After her first two classes (and a lot of comments), Wednesday rushed into the cafeteria, scanning it for Enid as quickly as she could and storming over to her. "Talk, hall, now!"

"What? I'm just sitting down can I eat first-" Wednesday gripped her arm, dragging her out of the quad before she could finish.

"Give me back my sweater. I wore yours, I'm done. Do you know how many looks I have gotten?!"

"I thought you didn't care what people thought of you," Enid mumbled, her cheeks flushing deep pink.

"Yea, until Bianca comes up and tells me she didn't think I would thin out and become a softie so fast. What does that even mean!"

Enid's blush only got deeper, and she took out her phone. "It's kind of part of a trend. There's this song, it's called Heather. Just- just listen," she handed a pair of EarPods over, turning on the song as Wednesday put them in.

Slowly it started to half make scenes, though Wednesday didn't quite understand why couples would switch sweaters, since he was saying she was with someone else.

"So...you want me to wear your sweater and you wear mine to signal to everyone else that you are taken and dominated over?"

Enid made a slightly disgusted face. "Uh, just the first one." 

"First what?" Yoko asked, popping her head around the corner, Wednesday noticed she was also wearing one of Divina's sweaters.

"I was explaining the trend to Wednesday, she just made a remark. Don't worry about it."

"Ah, okay," Yoko grinned. "Well can you two love birds get out back into the quad than? We are waiting for you!"

"Yea, yea," Enid giggled, grabbing Wednesday's hand. "Come on, we can do it better next year."

"Okay," Wednesday felt her cheeks flush. "I'm only doing this for you though."

"I know."

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