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Min Y/N

"Your dad's brother was always my favourite. To the extent I would kill for him. So I did. Yoona and Hyo-seop were all I had always cared about, cause I sympathised with them. Losing your dad at a young age is a loss no child should ever experience. I knew how it felt. So I was determined to get them married to the most well-off families and secure their future. Yoona was supposed to get married to Soobin and Sana to Seo-joon. Everything was pretty fine until Soobin decided to elope with this lover and never return." Taking a deep breath he continued once again.

Being left with no choice, we decided to get Yoona married off to Seo-joo. However even after forcing and tricking him we couldn't get him to agree. He was too much in love with Sana. I was aware if Sana would become the elder daughter in-law of the Lee family she would get more wealth and luxury than Yoona. So we decided to manipulate her, but being a wise woman, she didn't agree with us, which left us no option other than removing them from our paths. I wanted no hurdle in Yoona and Hyo-seop's future which led me to end their lives by drugging them that day of the picnic. Min-ho's grandfather was quite the same as me and therefore we both were able to execute the plan pretty smoothly." He broke down as soon as he completed his last line. Dad on the other hands had tears running down his face.

"She was your granddaughter, dad." He uttered and looked at Grandpa with eyes full of disgust and hatred.

"I had no choice. Please forgive me." Joining his hands he kneeled down, but who were we kidding, murders can never be compensated.

"Why did you get us married then ?" This was something strange. Me and Lee Know got married under pressure when grandpa didn't want anyone except Yoona to enter that house as a daughter in-law.

"Over the years, their deaths were eating me up. The guilt was not letting me breathe and live in peace. Yoona was now settled in the Kim family, Hyo-seop was doing well in his field and was already engaged in the Park Family, so now I wanted to give you a good family as well. And the Lee family couldn't have been better for you. So here we are." His eyes couldn't meet mine since he was looking down.

"Right. Should've seen that coming. Never knew you were so cheap grandpa. Am glad I inherited no genes from you. The one who can kill his family can do anything. Mr.Chen I hope you have recorded every single line he spoke. And I feel, this is enough to put him behind the bars and sentence life imprisonment or maybe death ? Also since Yoona was an accomplice, she would have to pay a price as well, if I am not wrong ?" I called out for Mr.Chen. He was a police officer close to Lee, who was helping us all along and had recorded everything grandad had revealed.

"Of course Miss Min. This is all we need. Get them now." He instructed his men to handcuff both Yoona and Grandpa. Both of them were silent because they knew it was the end. Nothing would be able to save them anymore. Grandpa was guilty however the same could not be said for Yoona. Maybe someday in the future God would knock some sense into her.

They were taken away.

Dad broke down and Hyo-seop just sobbed in a corner. Before consoling dad, I patted Hyo-seop's back. We would never share that bond which he and Yoona once shared. But being a sister, that was all I could do for him.

"Dad, I'm sorry." I kneeled down before his knees and joined my hands. He didn't deserve this suffering.

"No, my princess. You were not wrong. My daughter is never wrong. They deserve it. I'm worried about what I will say to your mother after meeting her up there. I failed to be the father I promised to you and Sana. I failed..." His sentence was interrupted by his sobs as I took him in my embrace and he cried out for the first time after mother's death. He was surely deeply shaken. We gave him time to settle down and organise his feelings.

Looking at Min-ho, I found him consoling Hyo-seop who was crying hysterically without a halt.

"Calm down man. They don't deserve your tears." His simple words were worth more than any physical affection. They were always enough to calm down a person in any situation. Even though he didn't express it, he always found some way or the other to get his job done. That's who he was. He might have felt my stare on him which is why he looked up to meet my eyes. Giving me a small, he moved towards me.

"Now I hope I do have the permission to claim you mine ? Everything's back to normal. I mean not really normal but let's just go with the flow yeah ?" His eyes held that adoration I had missed all these years. And now no matter how much I stare at those dark brown orbs, I'll never get tired of them.

Come on
Who gets tired of home ?


So here it is...
The last part. 
I am pretty overwhelmed by the response I received on this !
Thank you my lovely people out there for encouraging me throughout <3
Please wait till my next novel comes out...
Love you people <3333

~Signing off 

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