𝟐𝟓. 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰

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Indeed I crashed my car quite hard and deep. My head was hurting like hell and the bones of my hands and legs were most probably crushed into powder. Fuck. I could hear Y/N's panicked voice but didn't have enough energy to look at that tempting face of hers worried for me. I felt Hyunjin dragging me, and I knew that he laid me down on Y/N's bed, for the bed smelled like roses, just like her. I felt her hands wiping the blood on my face with a cloth dipped in lukewarm water. Opening my eyes a bit, Hyunjin was nowhere to be seen. Realising me and Y/N were alone in the room, I held her hands making her flinch.

"Y-Y/N please listen to me once. Just this time." She looked at me with her worried face which was glowing even at night.

"Did you listen to me when I begged you to stay ?" I was prepared for this. It was me who called for this.

"I know I know. Just once." I uttered gripping her hands tightly.

"Alright. Just once, then you have to leave." She picked up the medical and let the doctor in after opening the door. I was quite engrossed in pleading her that I didn't hear the knock.

The doctor treated my wounds and gave me some antibiotics before injecting me. I hated injections but just because Y/N was there, I didn't cause any drama or else this doctor would have been ten feet under the ground already. Withing sometime, he left leaving me and Y/N alone in the room. I patted the space beside me on the bed, indicating her to sit and surprisingly she didn't oppose and quietly sat beside me. Holding her hands, I took a deep breathe before beginning.

"So this started from the day when I left you. That morning when I was returning from the grave, grandpa stopped me and took me to the Han River to have some important discussion with me. Even though I didn't want to go, he promised that he would reveal the real reason of the suicide. I couldn't stop myself and left with him. Reaching the Han River he played a recording. The recording was something I didn't believe at first, but when I heard your voice, I got manipulated.


"There you go son." Grandpa turned on the recording.

"Listen to me Y/N. I am your elder sister right so gotta do as I say ok ? On the day of picnic me and Woo-seok oppa would be present at the terrace. We would be playing push and pull from the terrace, so both of us would be standing on the edge of the rooftop. All you have to do is, reach the terrace stay there for sometime and go back to the garden where everyone would be present and tell them that Unnie and Oppa would be coming down soon." I recognised this as Sana unnie's voice. What the hell ! How ?

"Okay unnie ! I'll do the same. But why would you be playing up there ? " This was Y/N. Her voice was never unknown to my ears. No matter in what way.

"Well, I will push oppa from there and we would get a lot of money ok ? But don't worry he won't get hurt. Now go and have your lunch." I couldn't believe what I heard. How could Sana unnie do this ? She loved hyung to the point she herself could die to save him. And here ?

"Did you hear that son ? Y/N was aware of everything. And all this was Sana's plan to take over Woo-seok's property. But unfortunately while pushing him down, Woo-seok held her hands and pulled her with him causing her death. That's the reason there hands were entangled with each others' when their bodies crashed down. Sana killed your brother Min-ho. She killed my grandson." Grandpa's tears made their way down his cheeks as he sobbed with me in his arms. My blood was boiling. I could see red. Never in my worst nightmares did I ever think Y/N and Sana could stoop so low for a few extra shares and land. I'll make sure, they get what they deserve.

"And you trusted him over me ?" She voice out as her eyes glistened with tears.

"I was a kid back then Y/N. And hyung's death made it worse. Believe me, I was manipulated. And after that day when I came to meet you, all I could feel was hatred. Even though that was something I made myself understand, but I knew I would never be able to hate you. Heck I can never hurt you even in my dreams Y/N. Please trust me." I voiced out whatever truth there was.

"I don't know Lee. What if this is some other sick game of yours ? What if this is a part of
revenge ? What if-" I hovered on her to prevent her from speaking rubbish anymore. She had to trust me. My eyes stared into her widened ones, as her hands were placed on my chest to push me off her. However her futile attempts made it worse, I gripped her hands above her head.

"Lee get off me." She spoke with a stern voice.

"First stop thinking those 'what if(s)'. We both know that I would do no more mistakes to make things worse than they already are."

"But the divorce is-

"Shut up Y/N. There is going to be no divorce. Kill me if that's needed but I won't let you divorce me till the time I'm breathing. Because if you think that after divorce you'll be able to stay away from me, you are wrong Love. You can't. I won't let you. Not now, not ever will I let you go away from me. I have done plenty of mistakes and I can't afford to make more. Our love won't pay the price of our deeds." Without letting her reply I pressed my lips onto hers. Finally. After so many months, I finally tasted these cherry like lips of hers. Parting her lips with my teeth, I pushed my tongue inside, devouring each and every corner of her mouth, letting out a hum I ended the kiss when I felt her struggling to breathe. Slapping my chest, she wiped her lips.

"Are you a beast or what ?" She glared at me as I pecked her lips once again.

"Let me go now." She attempted to get off the bed only to get pushed down by my weight.

"What Lee ?" Her annoyed voice was something I missed the most.

"This room is yours, this bed is yours and even this man here is yours. Then where are you off to in such a hurry m'lady ?" I got off her and caged her in my hug. My arms warped around her waist, and my face snuggled in the crook of her neck as I inhaled her fragnance.

"Lee let's go back to Seoul. I have got something to show you right now. Our marriage and our relationship now depends on this case Lee. If the criminals get the rightful punishment, no one would be able to separate us, but if not..." She didn't need to compete her sentence cause I already knew what she meant.

"Show me." I couldn't control my nervousness.

Hopping off the bed, she took out a black file from the cupboard and handed it to me.

"Read this and you will know everything. I'll get some food in the meantime." Leaving a kiss on my forehead, she headed out of the room giving me some time to go through the papers in my hands.

The door swung open with Y/N holding a tray filled with food. Keeping them on the table, she looked at me and soon her expression changed to a worried one. She must've known that I had read the file completely. I had tears in my eyes, a rare phenomenon. Everything was done by our own grandparents and here I blamed Sana unnie and Y/N ? How pathetic did I turn ? How could I hurt this pure soul who did nothing wrong but only love me ? How could I become such a monster over the years and get manipulated so easily ? Now I realise why Y/N shouldn't forgive me ? She went through everything alone with no one to share her problems and when she again found me, I chose to betray her in the worst way possible. How did I become such an arrogant bastard ?

Rushing to my side, she pulled me in a hug and tears made their way down my cheeks, dropping to the fine wooden floor. My head was on her chest and my hands left the file as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer, not caring to hide my tears and sobs. She continued caressing my head as if I was a child and she was consoling me. Nonetheless I am a child who ignorantly blamed anyone for anything without any proof.

"I am sorry." I kept mumbling as she pulled me closer whispering sweet nothings to calm me down.

"Shh. It's okay Lee. I know you aren't at fault. Now stop crying. Lee Know only looks good with that poker-cold-I don't give a fuck about anyone-face okay ? You look ugly while crying, I might leave you." Chuckling she rubbed her hand on my back and I pulled her closer, with no space for air to pass, cause the thoughts of her leaving me was making me vulnerable. I would die with guilt if she left me. Lee Know is nothing without his Lee Y/N. Never would be. Now I know what we have to do once back in Seoul. 


3 updates back to back are quite good right ? 
Haha surprise ! 
So how's the twist now ? 
Got my brain emptied to right this chapter. 
Fav chapter till now <3


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