𝟏𝟔. 𝐌𝐢𝐧 𝐘/𝐍

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Yeji unnie was behaving weird. The way she was looking at Min-ho as soon as he grabbed me by my waist, was something which took me off-guard. I was aware of her disliking towards him, but never did she look at him like that. She might be behaving normal right now but I know her more than anyone. Her one look is enough for me to know the storm occurring inside her. Right now, instead of enjoying the party as she had planned to, she dragged me in the women VIP corner. Unnie never came here, she would always be sitting at the counter, either gossiping with me or being drunk until In-yeop oppa wouldn't arrive. 

"Unnie. Is everything alright ?" I asked her, as soon as we sat down on one of the couches. 

"I don't know Y/N." She didn't reply while looking at my eyes. Unnie was the most confident woman I had ever met. She was never used to beat around the bush and even while lying, her voice would never hold a bit of hesitation or nervousness. 

"Look at me unnie. Tell me what is bothering you ? In-yeop oppa or something related to business ?" My hands gripped hers. 

"No. None of the above." She chuckled, trying to lighten the atmosphere. 

"Is it-

"Lee Min-ho." She looked at me with concerned eyes. 

"W-what ? What about him ?" My voice shook a bit at the unexpected answer. 

"I know what I'm going to say maybe too much to digest for you. Your relation with him, over the months has come to a place where you can't trust any statement against him. This may result in our friendship getting ruined. But trust me, I'll never ever want your poor. Please trust me on this." She said holding my hands, almost begging me. 

"Unnie ! Min-ho might be the man I have planned a future with. But you are someone who has stayed with me through my thick and thin. When everyone left me at my worst, even my own siblings, you stood beside me and made me who I am today. Dad and grandpa never had enough time to spare me and mom left me too early. I agree that I trust Min-ho more than anyone, but not more than you. If you say you are right and he is wrong, I don't need any other evidence, I just know you were, are and always will be right. Never doubt my trust for you unnie." 

My eyes held tears reminiscing over the past I was supposed to overcome long ago. Unnie hugged me as tightly as possible and I felt my shoulder getting wet by her tears. 

"Listen to me Y/N. You are the strongest girl, the one who has fought and overcome every fear of hers since her childhood, the one who made Min Industries touch skies, the one who deserves all the love in this world. You. are. a fighter." She squeezed my hands in the most comforting manner. 

"Today me and In-yeop were out for a date near his apartment. Remember I told you this restaurant which was built only a few weeks ago but already gained huge fame and popularity ? It was the same one where we decided to have our lunch. I was recording our date as usual to upload it on my channel. We entered the venue and ordered whatever we desired. Behind my table was another one, not at much distance. I had gone to the washroom, but when I came back, I saw the vacant table was now occupied by Hyunjin. The right hand guy of Min-ho. It took me a while to recognise him, but when I did, it was because of Min-ho's presence. He was there too. I shrugged it off thinking that it might be a usual meet up just like ours. Still, I continued shooting my vlog. I kept my camera on the table and began eating, and before we could finish our meal, Min-ho walked out leaving Hyunjin alone. Not minding it much, I finished my food and went back to my apartment. But- when I began editing, I realised that I had left my camera on record, all the while we were eating. As a result everything discussed by Hyunjin and Min-ho was captured. My curious soul didn't help much and I played the part where they were fighting over something. Unknowingly Min-ho didn't only reveal his plans to Hyunjin but also to my camera-" 

Unnie couldn't complete her sentence, when Min-ho called me. I had decided to ignore his calls for the time being, but unnie signed me to pick it up. 

"Where are you babe ?" Came out his voice from the other side. 

"With unnie." My reply came out short. 

"Come on. We gotta cut the cake and have dinner. Let's leave soon and have plenty of sleep for our big day tomorrow." He chuckled and ended the call. 

"Unnie continue. I'll go later." I asked her. 

"No Y/N. You can't make him suspicious. He is a sharp minded man and it won't take him seconds to realise that something is wrong. We need to meet up after the dinner. This is something you need to know before you marry him. Remember to act normal." Unnie instructed me before we moved out of the VIP section. 


Finally !! 

This is getting interesting right ?
Let's see how Y/N handles the truth. 


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