Carelessness Doesn't Work

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       And now I suddenly have ideas for none of my stories but this one. I guess the title of this chapter can also apply to my current predicament. -.- 

        Just a note, I'm going to be able to update much more frequently very soon, as my laptop is getting fixed. Huzzah! :D 

         ...Nobody says that anymore, do they..? Please don't hesitate to read this part strictly because the author is lame. Q.Q

         As I have nothing more to really say, here's the next part of the story! x3


        [F/n]'s heart leaped into her throat at the sight of the tall, cross-armed female that stood at the threshold of her doorway. She forced a smile despite her panic, both at the girl's sudden appearance and the girl's sudden appearance at her door

        "Umm, hi! What are you doing here, Vriska?" She tried to seem casual, though she had a pretty good idea of why Vriska would be standing at her door, looking mildly displeased. She and John had dated, and if John had let the news of their 'dating' slip to his ex as he had let it to Dave, then Vriska probably wanted to give [F/n] a piece of her mind. That was the most logical explanation. Still, [F/n] had never thought of Vriska as the jealous type, so it made no sense. 

        "Before you get all accusative," the other female said coldly, "I've only been here a few moments. I was about to knock." 

        "I know, but if you don't mind my asking, how do you know where I live?" This was totally an okay thing to ask, but [F/n] was still intimidated by Vriska's 'aura' and wanted to tread lightly. 

        "John may have let it slip," she replied with a shrug. [F/n] was taken aback by this bit of information. "And how does he know where I live..?" 

        She shrugged again, one of the sleeves of her dark jacket slipping a little off her shoulder. [F/n] caught a glimpse of a weird tattoo. "Dave may have let it slip." She yanked the jacket sleeve back up before [F/n] could determine what exactly it was. 

        [F/n] didn't know what to say, and it was just as well, because Vriska continued in her distant tone. "That's not what I came to discuss." She fixed her stony blue gaze on [F/n]. "Are you dating John or aren't you?" 

        "Why does everyone think we're dating?" [F/n] let out an expressive sigh. "It's fair. Considering he confessed feelings, asked you out, and got a 'yes.'" 

        She had a point that [F/n] couldn't argue with. Still, she could try to dissuade the girl a bit. "We're not necessarily a thing. He did tell me he liked me. He asked me out, too. But only for one date," she pointed out as Vriska cut eyes at her. "And I never said that I liked his back." Not exactly a lie, right?

        Vriska's cold demeanor softened a bit. "So you're not. Like." She made a gesture as if trying to find the right words. "You're not a couple, or anything?"
        [F/n] shook her head, and the other girl gave a sigh of obvious relief. "Okay. Cool." She gave [F/n] a sincere smile. "Not trying to go all SpiderBitch on you or anything. But I have a reason. Trust me." [F/n] was calmed at once by this change of behavior.

        Vriska landed a playful but mildly painful punch to [F/n]'s shoulder. "We cool, [L/n]?"

        [F/n] smiled back, trying to keep from wincing. "Yeah. Definitely."

        "Awesome." Waving over her shoulder, Vriska disappeared around a corner, calling "See you tomorrow!" as she went.

        [F/n] let out a huge sigh of relief, sliding her back down the closed door of her apartment and sitting there for a few more moments to collect herself. That went better than expected. Now, though, she had to make sure that John didn't ask her for another date.

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