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This far already! And the story is three days young!

Weeaboo-chan has no life to live outside of this one ;n;

Anyway, you may get a bit more Strider in this part. But please know that I am trying to take it slow. As much as it would be swoon-worthy for him to suddenly fall all over you, that is far too OOC for the beloved coolkid. So bear with me ;n;

This is moving a bit slowly, but my plea still stands: DON'T SKIP AROUND!! You may miss something. 0_0 pls

I love you all! Thanks for reading this trainwreck!! ^^


After enduring choir with a bunch of crazy females, [F/n] finally was on her way to sixth period. She was looking forward to this class more than any other so far: Computer Sciences, advanced. Just as the late bell rang, she stepped through the doorway. She wasted no time in scouting out a seat. Quickly and as inconspicuously as possible, she made for it.

"Young lady!"

Damn it. Her luck with pissy teachers sucked today. She turned slowly towards the teacher, and found herself facing a woman--slim and pretty, in her mid-30s--standing up front and tapping her foot. Her arms were folded across her chest and she raised an eyebrow at [F/n].

"I have a policy against lateness. I understand that you may be new, but you'd do well to learn that quickly."

"Yes, ma'am," [F/n] mumbled. The teacher gestured for her to approach her desk, sighing. [F/n] obeyed without hesitation.

The woman ran a hand through her black, shoulder-length hair. "Name?"

"[F/n] [L/n]."

The teacher glanced up. "Cool name," she remarked with a warm smile. "And I love your style."

[F/n] allowed herself a sheppish smile. "Thank you," she whispered. Despite first impressions, she was starting to warm up to this lady.

"I'm Jess. But you've gotta call me Ms. Lang," she joked. [F/n] nodded, smiling wider.

"Do you mind if I introduce you to the class?" Ms. Lang asked softly. Wow. No teachers had ever actually asked for consent before. She officially loved this teacher, so without thinking, she gave a positive response.

"Hey, guys," Ms. Lang called out. Once she had everyone's attention, she continued. [F/n] scanned the class shyly, searching for a familiar face, and her eyes locked on John's. He grinned and gave her an enthusiastic thumbs-up. She smiled and waved back.

"This is [F/n]. She's new. If I find out anybody's messing with her, I'll kick their butts." She shot [F/n] a wide smile.

[F/n] grinned. "Thanks," she whispered. Ms. Lang chuckled. "Okay, you can sit by--"

"Thee can thit by me," came a familiar voice, thick with a lisp. She looked to her right to find Sollux grinning and motioning flirtily at her. She blushed.

"Somehow, I don't trust you, Sollux. Especially around a pretty, defenseless girl," Ms. Lang sighed. A few people laughed.

"It's okay, Ms. Lang," [F/n] said quickly as Sollux blushed and frowned, turning away. "Thank you, though," she added. After one last smile at her new favorite teacher (by far), she went to sit by her new friend. Halfway there, she was stopped by a firm grip on her wrist.

"Why don't you sit by me instead?" [F/n] looked down to see John giving her the puppy eyes. She smiled. It was so very hard for her to resist that cuteness... but not too hard.

They're Just Shades: A Dave Strider X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now