The Squad

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        My goal is to annoy you in every single chapter with my rants. Even if I have nothing of importance to say~ 0u0

        Put up with it. You love me. Or at least you love Dave. Either way, you have to put up with it. That's right. Loopholes, baby.

        As always, keep an eye out for tired writer's grammar ;n; Pls

        Share, vote, comment and follow! (B-but only if you want to! ;u; NO PRESSUREEE)

        And now, back to your story! :D Enjoy! By the way, here comes your bae. You want him? HAVE HIM. *violently throws a disgruntled Dave at Reader-chan*

        (Quick warning: Language and mild conversational sexual themes.)


        Second and third periods were overall uneventful for [F/n] (European history and Biology move waaaaayy too slowly). Fourth period English was a class she shared once again with John, whom sat by her and talked her ear off. She didn't mind it, though; it was nice to know someone and she was beginning to enjoy his company. Now, as she walked to lunch, she heard a familiar voice shouting her name.

        "Hey, [F/n]!" Lynd said as she finally caught up to her. [F/n] grinned at her; the cheer that Lynd carried like a handbag was contagious. "Looks like you found me first," she responded, laughing.

        "Pssh. I could spot you a mile away. I call it 'Super-Lynd Best Girlfriend Vision.' I'm working on the name." [F/n] rolled her eyes.

        "Sure, right," she said. "So when do I get to meet this squad of yours?"

        "Well, my dear girl," Lynd replied with a dramatic flick of the wrist, "There they are."

        *****Moderate to severe switch in POV brought to you by the letters D-A-V-E*****

        "Dude," John whisper-shouted across the lunch table to his best friend, Dave Strider. Said friend only raised an eyebrow in response.

        "There's this girl," he continued.

        "There's lots of those," Dave replied casually. "But whoever she is, don't get her pregnant."

        "Oh, shut up, Dave. Anyway, she's so hot and totally into me."

        "Your definition of 'hot' doesn't exactly match mine. And neither does 'into you.' Actually, I didn't know that 'into you' existed."

        "Shut the hell up, you insufferable cum sponge!" John yelled at him, exasperated. "And I'm telling you, she is smokin' hot. Like I'm not over-exaggerating. Instant drooling."

        "Before I allow you to carry on with your creepy act, I've gotta see her myself. And what makes you think she's into you?"

        "Just 'cuz she is," John replied with a straight face. "She was all over me in Geometry. Practically fell over herself trying to help me with the stuff I didn't know."

        Dave chuckled. "Yeah, look stupid in front of a hot girl. Great move, man." John paid the comment no attention. He was focused on a spot over Dave's shoulder. "Dave," he whispered, face alight. "There she is."

        "Wait, what does she look like?"

        "Uh, [h/c] hair, lip ring—"

        "Gog, John, going for an emo?"

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