Saturday is Date Day

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Mostly female bonding for the first half-or-so of this part. o-o Sorry to disappoint, but Lynd is important to the story, too! Get over it. You know you love her.


"I would trade you to Satan for one corn chip."

...Oh. Forgot about that scene. Oh, well! Have the part anyway! \(^w^ )


"Ey. [F/n]."




"Dude, that was a really gross noise you made just now. Get up."

[F/n]'s eyelids drifted apart and she found that Lynd was frowning down at her, mere inches from her face, green eyes staring down into [e/c] ones."


"Eh, that one was weirder. 'Waugh.' Who says that?"


"Hey, chill the hell out! It is 9:17 on this fine Saturday morning--"

"You woke me up at nine on a Saturday--"

"And your ass is gonna be late for our 'date.' No homo, by the way."

"CHEESE STICKS!" [F/n] leaped from bed, fully clothed. She'd been too tired the previous night to wiggle out of the leggings she'd been wearing while she was out with Dave. "I love you, Lynd. Have I ever told you that? You're the best, my favorite."

Lynd grinned, eyelids fluttering closed dramatically. "I know."

"Now please get out so I can change."

"You have nothing that I don't."

"Boobs," [F/n] retorted, making fun of Lynd's exceptionally flat chest. Her friend's jaw dropped. Before Lynd could protest, [F/n] gently shoved her out of the room.

As she switched her pink leggings for white tights, Lynd called through the door, "Oh! And by the way, missy."

[F/n] wobbled a little as she stuck her foot through her pleated skirt. "...Y-yeah?" Lynd only called her 'missy' when she wanted to be serious. Lynd was never serious. And when she was, it usually had to do with something [F/n] had done wrong.

"I heard," she began in a sickly sweet voice, "From a reliable source that you were at a café with Dave Strider yesterday. Care to... explaaain~?"

'Oh, holy seaweed wrap of miraculous origin,' [F/n] prayed, 'please help me weather this injustice.' If Lynd was going to get mad about this, there was absolutely nothing she could do. The rampage would be rampaged, and the only say that [F/n] would have in it would be her last words. If Lynd even allowed her to get those out.

In other, simpler words, she was pretty much fucked.

Not only was she seen with Lynd's ex, but also with someone that Lynd was pretty much in a permanent rivalry with (This rivalry being between the coolest people at school. They were pretty much neck-in-neck, too.)

She carefully did the last button on her red button-down and opened the door. "Lynd, I am so, so sor--"

"I ship it," Lynd announced, pouncing on a very startled [F/n]. "So. Damn. Cuuute."

Wait. What the.

What. The.

"Uh... so you're not, I don't know... upset? With me?"

They're Just Shades: A Dave Strider X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ