New Faces and Old Tricks

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A special thanks to the following lovelies for help with ideas in this and the next few chapters:




You guys are great, and I appreciate all your help to move this story along.

( 'w ° ) /

And now, without further ado, please enjoy Part Nine! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next day after forcing herself out of bed, [F/n] carried out her usual morning routine before school: shower, clothes, breakfast, hair and makeup. The walk to school was also uneventful. She listened to music the whole way there, and wasn't really paying attention. In fact, it was only after stepping on something weird-feeling that she realized she was within the school gates. Curiously, she moved her foot. She'd stepped on and crushed an empty roll of toilet paper.

Needless to say, she knew exactly what was going on. This wasn't her first high school, after all. She looked up and was not surprised to find streamers of toilet paper dangling from the trees in the front of the school. From what she could tell, not a single tree was left undecorated. The white lengths of paper fluttered in the breeze, creating a cliché vibe that she was used to. A bunch of pranksters had no doubt struck the night before. She sighed, smiling a little. Teens would be teens, after all.

She quickly headed into the building, as no one was hanging out in front today. The halls were buzzing with talk of the recent prank. Rumors of who had done it, why, when, etc. [F/n] rolled her eyes. Didn't anyone have anything better to do than gossip over something like this? It was only a prank, after all.

She found her usual group (Lynd, John, the rest) standing all grouped around an unfamiliar locker. In the midst of them was a girl she did not recognize, who had blonde hair sporting a thick blue streak. She chewed loudly on a piece of gum.

When she got closer, [F/n] was able to hear snippets of conversation. From what she could tell, John and this girl had been responsible for the previous night's event.

"Well, yeah," the girl said in between smacks on her gum, "Took about forty bucks' worth of TP. But damn, it was worth it. Did you see the look on Huss's face?" She laughed, referring to their principal. "And the best part about that is he knows I did it. But there's no evidence, so he can't do anything about it!"

"Damn, Vriska," Lynd chuckled. "You really are proud of yourself. But may I point out that this is a bit of an overdone prank? You've gotta have better than this."

The girl named Vriska rolled her eyes. "Okay, whatever. But it was still pretty great."

That particular moment was when John took notice of her. "Oh, hey [F/n]," he said with an adorkable (Lmao. Yes.) smile. She smiled back. Vriska was looking at her curiously.

"Who's this?" She asked, tossing her hair over her shoulder. With a sheepish smile, she introduced herself. "I'm [F/n], good to meet you."

Vriska snorted, not rudely, but with the tiny hint of a laugh. "How am I always intimidating people these days?" [F/n] blushed a little, earning a loud, hearty laugh from Vriska.

"I'm teasing, doll. Don't get all worked up." The cocky smile that lit up her face was admirable, and [F/n] found herself looking up to her already.

(A/N Everyone always makes Vriska the bully... I don't know why, she's so cool! * . * Anyway, sorry if you don't like Vriska, but she's yo friend in this story. )

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