Casa de Strider

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Ahh! We're at 200+ reads and almost ten votes! ;w; I love all of you so much.

As always, feel free to ask me any questions or tell me if there's something you don't like or want changed. I love hearing from you guys, even if it's just to comment on a sentence you found funny.


The sexual tension between you two is unbearable xD

Okay, my lovelies. Now enjoy your time with StriderBoy, and be warned that this chapter is probably gon' be long as hell. ^^


Her phone buzzed at around one o'clock, alerting her that she was being pestered. She opened the chat, excited to hear from him.

--turntechGodhead (TG) began petering chumHandle (CH) at 13:07--

TG: sup

She remembered Lynd once saying something about delaying your answers to guys. Apparently it makes them more interested, or whatever. So she waited a couple of minutes before responding.

[CH]: Oh hey

TG: that took longer than expected

Oh. Guess he did care. Score.

[CH]: Haha, sorry. I was busy.

TG: doing?

[CH]: Nosy much?

TG: just kinda don't believe you

[CH]: ..........

[CH]: Trust issues much?

TG: nah

TG: i'm just pretty good at reading people

Oh my god. Was he implying that he thought she had a crush on him? Well, she did... kinda. But there was no way he thought that, right? She'd done nothing to give that away. She just had to play it cool.

[CH]: Okay, you got me

[CH]: I was asleep. Happy?

TG: uh sure

[CH]: What's that supposed to mean?

TG: nothing

[CH]: ...So.

TG: so

'Oh my god invite me the hell over already'

[CH]: Was there something you wanted, coolkid?

TG: oh yeah

TG: wanna come over?

Nailed it.

[CH]: Oh yeah. Forgot about that.

Too cruel? ...Oh, well. He started it.

TG: well then

[CH]: ...Haha?

[CH]: So like do you mean right now?

TG: whenever you want

[CH]: Okay

[CH]: I'll be over in ten.

TG: wow do you miss me that much?

[CH]: Punk ass brat. See you then.

--chumHandle (CH) ceased pestering turntechGodhead (TG) at 13:19--

She rolled her eyes, subconsciously denying the blush on her cheeks. Of course she missed him. She missed everybody when she was lonely.

Yeah. Keep telling yourself that.

They're Just Shades: A Dave Strider X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now